SCEA Games

Viewing games 1 to 50 (of 68 games)


The Getaway

Initially I was frustrated by the controls as well as the game play, but as I got further into it, I really started appreciating the finer points of this game.

Medievil 2

SCEE's (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) surprise hit MediEvil was tremendously well-received when it was released over a year ago, so it's little surprise that a sequel has been in the works ever since.

Tourist Trophy: The Real Riding Simulator

Basically imagine all the physics modeling, graphics, audio, and menu options of Gran Turismo 4, but with a 'lean' toward motorcycles.

The Getaway: Black Monday

However, Black Monday's biggest fault is that it tries to expand upon the original Getaway without fixing the original problems that plagued it; and there was a long laundry list of issues with The Getaway.

Sly 2: Band of Thieves

As the title implies, Sly is no longer the lone wolf on his quest: Murray and Bentley, his two sidekicks, are now playable characters.

Resistance: Fall of Man

Launch titles are always hit and miss. Usually its with more misses than hits as titles are rushed to market and developers are still learning the new hardware.

Who Wants To Be a Millionaire: 3rd Edition

If you haven't heard of the hit ABC television show 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire,' you've probably been sitting under a rock somewhere playing Tetris, since the mid '90s.

Spyro Year Of The Dragon

It's the newest in a line of impressive Spyro the Dragon games.

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain

Back during the hey-day of the original PlayStation, Syphon Filter was the king of covert-op action - but as the PlayStation faded away with the arrival of the PS2, so did the Syphon Filter series.


Although it is superbly packaged in brilliant 3D graphics, Einhander really plays like a traditional side-scrolling shooter.

Genji Dawn of the Samurai

If you've watched movies like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and House of the Flying Daggers, then the style and story of the game should be familiar to you.


She's cute, sassy, possessed by three demons and despite having a figure that is closer to Gwyneth Paltrow than Barbie, Jennifer Tate may be the next Lara Croft.


Not since I read the synopsis for the series of books that inspired the films Ringu and The Ring, by author Suzuki Koji, have I seen such an interesting and unusual story crammed side by side with concepts that could completely flop when exposed to..

World Tour Soccer 2005

989 Sports has always been a step behind EA Sports and Sega. Sometimes it's a small step, others times a colossal step.

Hot Shots Golf

Perhaps what is needed is a golf game that doesn't take itself so seriously. Enter Hot Shots Golf.

MLB 99

Improving upon their impressive MLB debut, Sony is hard at work putting the finishing touches on MLB 99.

Jersey Devil

Cute polygonal mascots are coming out of the woodwork. Super Mario 64 started a sensation, and now Croc, Gex and Jersey Devil are all trying for a piece of the action.

ATV Offroad Fury 4

When I play racing games, I ask only that they let me race without serious obstruction.

Treasure Planet

The game, like the movie, is loosely based on the original story by Robert Louis Stevenson, with the notable exception being that it takes place in a distance galaxy.

SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo 2

The original Fireteam Bravo delivered an excellent tactical shooter for the PSP, something that has proven difficult to achieve on a portable.


Stretching the gameplay track out over a road like surface instead of wrapping it inside an octagon has presented some unusual gameplay challenges.

Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits

While many developers are stretching the traditional boundaries of various genres, Arc the Lad's took a surprisingly different approach.

Monsters, Inc. Scream Team

Monsters, Inc. is an international corporation specializing in scaring the bejeebers out of children the world over.

Untold Legends 2: The Warrior's Code

Hacking and slashing it's often believed, is an archaic activity. This is not so, I say.


Extermination. A necessary part of life and, sometimes, crucial to survival. The dictionary defines extermination this way: 'To destroy completely, total destruction, eradication.'

Cool Boarders 2001

The frosty air whips by your head at a stinging 100 mph. As you crouch down and prepare for your jump, a rival boarder comes up on your side and attempts to punch you in the face.


The party game is a relatively new genre, and it is unique in that gameplay styles can vary wildly from game to game.

NBA 07

Sony and sports' .sports and Sony. Oh, what a rocky history we have together.

Pursuit Force

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you think you have seen it before, vehicular combat, yadda, yadda, yadda. But wait!