Download Flight Games on PC

Games Total: 454

Editors' Choice

Best 50+ Flight Games

Viewing games 1 to 50 (of 454 games)

MiG-29 Fulcrum

MiG-29 Fulcrum is for one-player only. It includes a training mode for practicing the controls and a password feature for saving your progress.
Sega Genesis

Comanche 4

"Griffon squad, this is Dallas control. You are cleared for immediate takeoff!"

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: Century of Flight

Without a doubt Microsoft clearly has outpaced any competition with their flight simulator series and continues to increase the distance with Flight Simulator 2004.

Joint Strike Fighter

In the ever-growing world of combat sims, games now live and die by their graphics, realism and originality.


With all the flight simulators on the market, it's a challenge for a consumer to figure out which is the best game to buy.

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