Side Scrolling Games

Download and experience the classic thrill of Side Scroller games! Navigate vibrant worlds, overcome challenging obstacles, and engage in fast-paced action as you make your way through captivating levels. Are you ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead and conquer the side-scrolling realm? Your 2D adventure starts now!

Games Total: 1697
Selection Criteria: Games that feature side-scrolling gameplay, where players navigate levels horizontally.

Best 50+ Side Scrolling Games

Viewing games 1 to 50 (of 1697 games)
Aladdin is one of the finest platformers ever. It combines pick-up-and-play gameplay with one of the smoothest game engines out there, as well as some of the most detailed graphics ever.

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

If you're as much of a fan of Duke as I am, then you might want to think about this review before picking up this title.

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