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a game by Trauma
Platform: PC (2016)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.8/10 - 10 votes
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Psychological Horror Games, Games Like Poke Abby, Games like Alien Quest: Eve, Lewd Shooters

Today we are looking at Captivity which is a fun, but hard as nails lewd game that comes so close to being great. I always like it when there is a lewd game that is not a visual novel or a sandbox style of game. This is a horror 2D shooter and it has a lot of great ideas. This is also a game that is completely finished so you do not have to worry about waiting for any kind of updates to see what the ending is! If you want to play a lewd game that is not another visual novel, I think this is worth checking out.

Everything Wants To Bang And Kill You!

The story in Captivity is not exactly great. I have to be honest and say that I am not entirely sure of what the point of the game is to be real with you. We play as a badass chick who must fight through hordes of monsters to save other humans. That is the basics of the plot, but things are made a bit more interesting by the fact that these monsters do not just want to capture you, they want to use your body for their own sexual pleasure too! It is not the best story and it is made worse by a terrible ending!

Shooting Your Way Out Of Trouble

This is a 2D shooter style of game. The main character we play as in Captivity can run around, blasting anything that gets in her way. It starts out being a great deal of fun. Even when the enemies grab you, they will have sex with you and this is what makes up the majority of the lewd content, there is even some gameplay to it as you have to fight your way out of it. The problem with the gameplay is that it is just so cheap! The enemies take a million hits to kill, seriously, you can use a whole magazine to take out just one enemy! I think it would have been far more fun if it was one hit kills them and one hit kills you. Instead, what we have is a very unfairly difficult game that is more frustrating than fun.

Keeping You Going

One way that the game tries to keep you going and invested in the gameplay is with unlockables. As you progress through Captivity, you can get new weapons and clothing, this is fun and I have to say that if the gameplay was not so obnoxiously difficult, the collector inside of me would have been up for trying to unlock everything that the game had to offer.

Welcome To Adult Swim

I do think that they have a fun visual style here with Captivity. It kind of looks like what Rick & Morty would look like if it was made in 2D.

There is a decent selection of enemy types ranging from FNAF looking characters, to orcs, zombies, and so on. Seeing these creatures have their wicked way with our female hero can be kind of gross, but it is also pretty funny as well.


I think that Captivity is a game that is well worth your time checking out. It has some great ideas, but I just feel that the execution needed a bit more work, actually, if they toned down the difficulty and made the enemies not bullet sponges, I would probably have scored the game way higher than I did. While it is not terrible, I am sure some people will find it more frustrating than fun, I certainly felt that way towards the end.


  • The main character is pretty badass
  • The shooting mechanics feel good
  • I liked how there were new outfits to collect
  • It is cool how it is a lewd 2D shooter as there is not a ton of these


  • The difficulty is way too hard and it feels unfairly hard!
  • The lewd content is kind of gross

Download Captivity


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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