Edge Of Eternity

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a game by Midgar Studio
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Open World Games, Strategy Games, JRPG Games, Turn Based RPG
Edge Of Eternity
Edge Of Eternity
Edge Of Eternity
Edge Of Eternity

If you have followed the development of Edge Of Eternity no doubt you have felt like it has taken an “eternity” for this game to finally come out. Ok, so lame jokes aside, this is a massive JRPG that was made by a very small team and it is truly amazing what this team was able to accomplish. With impressive visuals, a fun combat system, and a story that is perhaps just a tad too ambitious, I am having a hard time thinking of another JRPG that was made by such a small team that could rival one made from one of the big studios out there.

So Much To Take In

The story that Edge Of Eternity is trying to tell is good on one hand, but also confusing on the other. Our main character is a soldier called Daryon and he deserts his army in order to go with his sister to try and find a cure for this illness called the corruption that their mother has.

That alone I think would have been more than enough, but there is an alien invasion, a kind of uneasy relationship with his sister Selene and many more plot points. It truly is impressive in its scale, but I found it a tad hard to keep track of. I think if I were to go back and play it again, I would probably be able to take more of the story in.

What A World

Before I get to the combat of Edge Of Eternity, I want to talk about this massive world. I love the world that has been created here. The exploration aspect of the game is kind of similar to what we have in games like Xenoblade. You are free to go and explore, find items, talk to people, take on side quests, and pretty much everything else that you have come to expect from a JRPG these days. The only things that spoil the exploration aspect is that there is a stamina system and you cannot jump! This makes exploration more tedious than it needs to be.

The Starting Grid

The combat system happens when you come across an enemy and then you are put into a walled-off area and then you take part in a turn based combat system that is grid based. It is pretty easy to get to grips with, but I think it would have been better if you could just run around and attack as you wish like in the Kingdom Hearts series. Overall, the battle system is decent, but it does take a while to get used to.

Speaking Their Mind

The presentation of Edge Of Eternity is very well done, even more so when you consider how small the team behind the game is. I like the visuals and this world has a lot of variety to it, there is one area that at night has you running through grass and flowers and it is so good, it made me wish I had a 4K monitor. It also has some very impressive voice acting too which does get you more connected to the characters.

As soon as you hear that this game was made by people who love JRPG’s it all kind of makes sense. It is like each person on the team was allowed to take the things that they love about JRPG’s and put them into this game. On one hand, I like that idea, but it does mean that we have a game that has perhaps more ideas than are really necessary.


I think that is a reason why it has so many mixed reviews. I thought the game was pretty decent, but it did take a while for me to find my groove with it. Still, if I ever find myself in a lull between games, I might try and play through this one again.


  • I liked the brother/sister dynamic of the two main characters
  • The game looks fantastic, it's even more impressive when you consider the size of the team
  • There are many classic JRPG tropes that make up this game
  • I think that there is a pretty epic story in here somewhere


  • The story is very hard to follow
  • The gameplay feels a bit disjointed, like there is too much going on and this may put some people off

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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