Fortune's Run

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a game by Team Fortune
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: First Person Shooter Games, Story-Rich Games, RPGs, Co-op Games, Multiplayer Games, PvP Games, Stealth Action, Sci-Fi RPG, Martial Arts Games
Fortune's Run
Fortune's Run
Fortune's Run
Fortune's Run

Fortune’s Run is an upcoming steam release that’s gearing up to be a dramatic, cyberpunk space opera! Step into a universe where the everyday and the extraordinary come together in an immersive experience like no other.

Developed with influences from classic FPS games and RPGs, Fortune's Run encapsulates the essence of titles like Deus Ex and E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy, while infusing its own unique charm and flair reminiscent of space operas like Metal Gear Solid.

A Universe of Dichotomies

Set on the enigmatic planet New Zabra, Fortune's Run thrusts players into a paradoxical reality. In this world, food is abundant, yet starvation is rampant, and the very essence of life is governed by off-world interests. This is a story that explores the complexities of humans and the often bizarre interplay of power and desperation.

Post-Industrial Desolation

Venturing through Fortune's Run feels like stepping into a world marred by industrial decay. Barren factories and boarded-up stores stand as haunting relics of a once vibrant city.

Combat that Transcends Boundaries

At the heart of Fortune's Run lies an innovative combat system that draws inspiration from the exhilarating mechanics of fighting games and character action titles. Players must master a repertoire of combos and special moves, strategically breaking through enemy defenses with well-timed grabs and mix-ups.

Mastery Through Persistence

Fortune's Run is unapologetically challenging, mirroring the unforgiving difficulty of classic games that demanded mastery and perseverance. The combat mechanics require players to understand invincibility frames, parries, counters, and the art of true Quake-engine strafe-jumping movement. This is a world where a momentary lapse can spell doom, so make sure every move counts!

A Tapestry of Cosmic Marvels

The game's environments are gorgeous and waiting to be explored. Players journey to distant stars, where awe-inspiring set pieces inspired by science fiction legends await. From a fully simulated centrifugal space station to a train ascending to the heavens along a cable, the game consistently dazzles with its ingenuity and imagination. No two levels are alike, ensuring players are continuously captivated by the unfolding spectacle.

Embrace the Challenge

In the realm of Fortune's Run, success is intertwined with failure, and learning comes from facing adversity head-on. The game offers a customized difficulty system, allowing players to tailor the experience to their preferences. Yet, at its core, Fortune's Run embraces the spirit of perseverance and growth, offering a wealth of mechanics to be mastered, leaving players with a stark choice: succumb to the challenge or rise above it.

Personal Rating 7/10

Fortune's Run stands as a beacon of innovation, a game that defies conventions and invites players to embark on a journey that is as challenging as it is captivating. With its melding of classic FPS mechanics, RPG undertones, and the dramatic flair of space operas, this game offers an experience that resonates with both nostalgia and the promise of something entirely new.


In a universe where persistence reigns supreme and survival is the ultimate goal, Fortune's Run beckons you to test your limits, transcend boundaries, and etch your mark on a world teetering on the brink of dystopia. Will you heed the call?


  • Innovative combat system offers a unique combat system that combines elements from fighting games and character action titles
  • Voice acting brings the eclectic cast of characters to life
  • Challenging gameplay provides a rewarding challenge for players seeking a high skill ceiling
  • Customizable difficulty caters to a wide range of players with its customizable difficulty system


  • Steep learning curve might pose a challenge for newcomers
  • While the challenging gameplay is a draw for some players, others might find the difficulty level to be discouraging
  • Players with certain disabilities or those who struggle with precise timing and mechanics might find the gameplay less accessible

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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