Just Die Already

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a game by DoubleMoose
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 2 reviews, 1 review is shown
User Rating: 7.5/10 - 12 votes
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See also: Simulator Games, Open World Games, Sandbox Games, Games Like Red Dead Redemption, Games Like Saints Row
Just Die Already
Just Die Already
Just Die Already

Ah yes, Just Die Already. The game that nobody asked for - yet everybody wants. You often wonder what developers DoubleMoose are thinking to come up with such crazy ideas? Who said that a chaotic old people sandbox simulator would be a great game to build upon? I would have loved to be in the board room when development was greenlit.

Just Die Already isn't a gamer catchphrase - it's a competitive geriatric sandbox title. You'll be performing all sorts of wild tasks out in the urban jungle - flopping around and causing general mayhem. Just like old people do, right? The early access to this game has already provided hours of spine-splitting laughs - and now it's available for everybody!

Escape from the Retirement Home

If you had to ask, yes - the concept is just as ridiculous as it plays. First, let's set the scene for the game. It's the near future, and old people no longer have any social security to pay for the care in retirement homes. That desperation has to lead them to traverse into town and engage in all sorts of ridiculous frivolities to ensure that they get what they need to survive.

Now we've established that bizarre narrative - how does it play out? Well, exactly as you would imagine - and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. After choosing your elderly characters, you'll traverse the city, completing these objectives by running around, beating the snot out of everything, and just plain dying most of the time.

The control schematics are ridiculous - but that is only to facilitate the overzealous physics included in each geriatric. You'll be allowed an assortment of weapons to attack things and your fellow players - doing what it takes to survive in the harsh terrain. Most of the time, you'll end up exploding in some violent manner - even in the timidest of circumstances.

The cartoony visuals supplement the lighthearted approach to the game. The animations are hilarious, and the liberal sandbox approach is surprisingly fluid. Like with many of these games, though - it feels pretty aimless. Naturally, there are many things to do and see, but after a cackle of laughs at how silly the gameplay is - you won't feel too rewarded. That is OK, however. Hordes of players will still find endless entertainment out of it.

Flopping Their Way Into Our Hearts

Just Die Already is the spiritual successor to Goat Simulator. Mainly because it is designed by the same gentleman who created the game. It's similar in style and tone, but it's just as aimless and potentially even more hilarious. Of course, it's a game that's not meant to be taken seriously - and that's what makes it so engaging.


The core differences here are that Just Die Already does refine its gameplay into something a little more palatable for a general audience. I would argue that the tightened visuals and mechanics actually detract from a game that's already meant to be ridiculous. It's no prize this game, but damn - is it funny.


  • Hilarious concept delivered with equally brilliant sandbox mechanics
  • Cartoony visuals contribute to the geriatric mayhem
  • Near endless possibilities in objectives and tasks


  • The aimlessness of the game won't attract all players
  • The refinement factor channels a less entertaining environment
  • It won't please many elderly gamers out there!

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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