The Marionette

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Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Psychological Horror Games, Lewd Horror Games
The Marionette
The Marionette
The Marionette

I must admit that I had a lot of hope for The Marionette. This is a Japanese game so you may have to do a bit of digging around to try and find a translation, but I do think that there are some pretty neat ideas in the game. I spent a few hours over the weekend with it so I thought I would share my thoughts on the game with you guys. This is a bit more of an obscure lewd game as there is not actually a ton of information about the game floating around online.

An Android Brothel!

The game takes place in the future and the idea of The Marionette is that we are running a brothel, but this is no ordinary brothel. The setting is actually really cool as the game takes place on an island that was built on the sunken ruins of Tokyo. On this island, humans and androids live together and there is this brothel and as you are in debt to the wrong people, you have been sent there to run the brothel and pay off your debt. The success of this brothel will determine if you get out of debt or not.

Paying It Back And Having Fun!

The idea of the gameplay in The Marionette is that you have to pay back your debt. You do this by managing the brothel. You can hire new androids to “service” the customers. You can work on the androids so that they meet the customer's needs, you can perform research so that you get better equipment, and so on. The more you expand your brothel the more money you can make, but the more things you also have to keep an eye on!

Protecting What Is Yours

If you think that The Marionette is just a straight up management sim style of game, think again. There are also rivals in this city that want to see you and your brothel fail! In order to try and prevent this from happening and causing you to lose money. You have to set up a security system and get new weapons to fight off anyone that dares try to ruin your brothel business.

Pixel Art = Porno Art

The game is done in a pixel art style and it is pretty well done. I like the futuristic setting that they went for in The Marionette and there is a ton of lewd content in the game. They claim that there are over 400 H scenes, but I must admit that I did see quite a few of them repeat. The five main characters in the game all look cute and there is pretty much every kind of sex you could imagine in the game. It is pretty cool how there are close up screens while the XXX content is going down.


While you may struggle to play The Marionette, I think that there is a lot of promise in this game. I am sure that there are some talented people working on a full English translation of the game, but even now, you should be able to fumble your way through and get a good idea of what this game is all about. I did fun with it and if I get wind that there is a big update for the game release, I would be very happy to come and see what they have done.


  • I thought that the setting and the premise were really cool
  • I liked the pixel art style presentation
  • There are tons of sex scenes in the game
  • The gameplay has a lot going on


  • Without an English translation, it may be hard to get through the start of the game
  • Pixel art is certainly not for everyone when it comes to lewd games

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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