Monster Girl You-ki chan

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a game by Nanakusadou
Platform: PC (2020)
Editor Rating: 9.5/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 7.7/10 - 6 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Lewd Games, Pixel Porn Games, Adult Beat 'em Up Games, Hentai Platformers, Monster Girl Games
Monster Girl You-ki chan
Monster Girl You-ki chan
Monster Girl You-ki chan
Monster Girl You-ki chan

OMG, how did I not know that Monster Girl You-ki Chan was a thing? This is one of the best lewd side scrollers that I have ever played! Being a monster girl connoisseur, I am legit shocked that I have never stumbled across this game before. It completely blew me away right from the start and I have played through it several times and I can see myself playing through it many more times. This is a game that has a very cool old school 16-bit soul about it and I just could not get enough of it. It is honestly one of the best lewd action games that I have ever had the pleasure to play.

Saving Humans From The Gates Of Hell

The story of Monster Girl You-ki Chan is kind of nuts and the rather rough translation just adds to its charm. There was a being called Pudding that came from the demon world to live with the humans. However, they were scared by her appearance and they were not as loving and as kind as she first thought. Well, they will be glad that she is here as the gates of hell have opened and all kinds of monsters are now in the human world causing all kinds of trouble and only Pudding can save the day. Is it weird? Yes, but that is exactly what I love about it, it has a goofy charm that just made me smile.

Ghouls, Ghosts And Goblins!

The gameplay of Monster Girl You-ki Chan is just awesome. On the surface, it is very simple as you only have a jump and an attack button. It plays similarly to the classic, Ghouls & Ghosts games and even some of the earlier Castlevania titles. Pudding can grab enemies and there are five weapons that you can throw, I found the axe to be the best weapon in the game. There are boss fights too which have the added fun of a lewd scene happening depending on what goes down. The platforming is made a bit more interesting thanks to Pudding being able to climb walls and grab onto the ceiling above her. I found the controls to be tight, responsive, and best of all, a whole lot of fun! The game also offers different difficulty levels too which is nice.

Now That Is What I Call Pixel Art

I am someone who always gets their attention grabbed by monster girls and with Monster Girl You-ki Chan having that in the title, chances were always high I would love the style of this game. This is one of the best looking lewd games that uses pixel art I have ever seen. There are different levels and each one has its own theme/style which is awesome. Pudding has a ton of personality and is super cute and the enemies are very well designed. I loved how big the bosses were as it allowed the artist to really let them show some personality. It is just a great looking game, but there is one thing we have to talk about when it comes to the visuals of this game!

On The Inside

I will not beat around the bush here, Monster Girl You-ki Chan is a game that has vore in it. To be honest, it is not as gross or as in your face as other games that feature this are. However, if you do not want to see the character you are playing as being eaten and put inside one of the giant bosses, you may want to reconsider playing this. To be fair, it is not that bad and I am someone who would say if it was, you can actually see a bit of the vore content in the trailer and that is probably the best way to gauge if it is for you or not.


Even with the vore stuff, Monster Girl You-ki Chan is a must play game for me, I have not managed to beat it on the hardest difficulty just yet, but I am having one hell of a fun time trying to do this. I just love everything about this game and even the vore stuff did not put me off. It looks great, it has a very fitting soundtrack and the gameplay reminds me of the stuff I played back on the Super Nintendo!


  • I love the crazy and charming story
  • Pudding is such a fun main character
  • The gameplay is simple, but also very challenging
  • The pixel art in this game is amazing


  • It does have vore in it which I am not into
  • The harder difficulty can sometimes feel a bit on the cheap side

Download Monster Girl You-ki chan


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Monster Girl You-ki chan is a fantasy action game where you will have to follow the path of a real warrior, on which the monster girl has stepped. Monsters are tired of carrying the burden of exiles and came out against humans, intending to destroy all humans. However, the monsters, who have lived alongside humans all their lives, are against this outcome. Together with Yuki-chan, embark on an amazing journey through the territories invaded by the monsters to stop the attack on innocent humans.

Game Pros:

  • Pixelated design
  • Develop your heroine's skills and abilities

Snapshots and Media

PC Screenshots

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