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a game by Coffee Stain Studios AB
Platform: PC (2019)
User Rating: 7.0/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Early Access Games, Building Games, City Building Games, Crafting Games, Professional Simulator Games, Resource Management Games, Base Building Games, Underwater Games, Games Like Scrap Mechanic, Games Like Subnautica

I do love a game that utilises good wordplay. The most recent example is Satisfactory, the otherworldly Factory building game for Mac, Linux and PC released by Coffee Stain Studios in 2019. It’s a base building game not unlike the previously released Factorio in which the player has to plan and construct buildings (in this case factories), but in this game everything is in 3D, first person and in an open world inhabited with all manners of animals and creatures that wouldn’t mind chowing down on you. Sounds like fun right? As it happens, not only does Satisfactory have a good title, but it’s also a good game.

The Low-Down

The plot is that you, the player, are a pioneer for FISCIT Inc who is looking to lay the foundation for their corporation HQ. There’s a light story that I won’t spoil too much for you, but it all starts with choosing one of three biomes (e.g. different areas) to build on, each one coming equipped with their own specific issues and problems.

The game play is very much about the skill of knowing what to trade and give up in exchange for a better deal; for example, when your base is set up, you can offer up raw materials and other resources to level it up and gain access to new perks such as power lines, more item space and general upgrades and bonuses to your equipment. Being able to build walls is also an important function, in case any pesky natural habitants of this new world don’t take too kindly to mankind building on their home world. Eventually you can get to a level involving conveyer belts which fast tracks the production of metal, sheets and other materials you need to turn your base into a full blown factory. The more work you put into this game in the early stages, the more you’ll be rewarded later on.

What I Liked

Satisfactory is also a really beautiful looking game. As mentioned, its 3D rendering and the fact it has first person perspective make it a unique entry into the market. The colour palettes are often deep and saturated and the tones and shading are, quite frankly, delicious. I’m not sure I’d like this game quite as much if it weren’t so damn beautiful to look at, but luckily, it is. Combined with the large number of ways you can choose to automate your systems and set up your base to any particular standard, this game can really hook you in and make you lose track of time.

What Needs Improving

The only thing that perhaps needs a bit of tweaking is the presence and function of the native creatures that inhabit the world. Although Satisfactory has wonderfully smooth game play that ropes you in, I can see how some players may wish for a little more challenge or increase in difficulty at some points. Have random, unplanned attacks from the creatures could provide this difficulty and a sense that your base could be destroyed at any time, which would help keep us on our toes!

The Verdict

Between the interface and graphics, Satisfactory already stands head and shoulders above other world-building games. As I’ve said, the more you work in this game, the more it pays off, giving you incentive to keep coming back for more. If you have a lot of free time, expect the world of Satisfactory to become your second home.


  • Looks fantastic
  • 3D and first person setting sets it apart from the rest
  • Very easy to get hooked on
  • The more you play, the more you’re rewarded


  • Could utilise some of its features a little differently to add some difficulty levels


Download Satisfactory


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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