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a game by Sloclap
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 6.0/10 - 7 votes
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See also: Action Adventure Games, Fighting Games, Action Games, Best Games of the Year 2022, Martial Arts Games

Sometimes we tend to focus all our attention on the biggest franchises and their new releases. People always wonder when the next game of their favorite franchise is coming up, and this is all great, but we can make the mistake of ignoring incredible titles that are released every so often. That's why we'll be talking about Sifu, in hopes we make sure it doesn't happen here. Developed and published by Sloclap, Sifu is an upcoming game for the PS4 and PS5 and is set to be released in February 2022. But what is Sifu all about?

About the game

Sifu is a beat 'em up game centered in martial arts, and it will truly allow the player to feel as if they are the protagonist of one of the classic movies of the genre. It is a linear action game completely centered in the combat, where we'll have to make our way through levels of beating tons of bad guys up as we are looking for vengeance.

On our way to vengeance, we have to face countless criminals and enemies that are dead set on killing our hero, and this journey for revenge could be a really long one, and if you're not careful it will take an entire life, quite literally. One of the mechanics of the game is that every time we are defeated, our character gets older and older. It's part of your goal to make it to the end as young as possible, so the hero doesn't let their life go to waste in pure vengeance.

Intense experience

Sloclap previously developed a game called Absolver, but this title isn't very similar. In Situ, the fights are fluid, intense, and a thrilling experience. Thanks to the heavy focus on martial arts it kinda reminds us of games with fluid movements in fighting such as the Tekken series or Sleeping Dogs.

This is a 3D beat 'em up where the camera is set to be following our hero, and this allows for interesting moves and more intense and three-dimensional combat moves. Overall giving it a bigger cinematographic sense to it all.

The control scheme is very traditional with two-button attacks that we can combine together and blast out some combo moves. And just like in any good martial arts movie, it is extremely important to interact with your surroundings, whether it is for picking up objects or throwing your enemies around.

Sifu is a truly promising title with a lot of exciting things in it. While it is a pretty simple concept, it is what they’ve shown that has us excited for it. In martial arts games, it is key to have great animations, and they deliver in Sifu, with fluid animations that feel like they are taken straight from a Bruce Lee movie.


The excellent art style that goes along so well with the general theme of the game also has a whole cinematic element. And this same art style helps in combining cartoony elements with realistic animations to present an incredibly good-looking game.


  • Excellent animations
  • Great gameplay
  • Incredible art style
  • Amazing visuals


  • Story leaves to be desired

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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