The Rural Homecoming

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a game by NTR Man
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 2 reviews, 1 review is shown
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Visual Novel
The Rural Homecoming
The Rural Homecoming
The Rural Homecoming
The Rural Homecoming

The Rural Homecoming is a visual interactive novel by NTRMAN where the protagonist gets to put horns behind his back. It will be done by none other than his wife and his father, who is so old that sand is coming off him.


The Rural Homecoming is a novella with basic functionality. The player switches frames with mouse clicks or puts in automatic switching. The frame is a static image made up of a background, character models, and a character line box. Read the character dialogues to understand the story. The player will be able to influence the story as the game progresses: find a suitable line out of several and the story will build on your script.

Main Character

The main character is Haruki Sato, a male Japanese man. His age is exactly twenty-nine years old. Haruki is happily married to a pretty girl, but about her later. The protagonist has big problems now: he was fired from his regular job. The boss didn't step in and now Haruki has nowhere to work, but he has to support his family somehow. Haruki's job search is under way, but he can't find anything, because all the local companies refuse him. Utility bills, rent, normal food, minimal entertainment, gifts for the holidays - all this is no longer available to Haruki. The worst part is that he is not alone in the family and needs to please his wife and give her the basics. Akemi (that's his wife's name) enters into the situation, as the couple is in love.

The main character's spouse

Akemi is Haruki's spouse, who works two jobs to keep family life from going downhill financially. Haruki feels guilty about this arrangement. The girl spends most of her free time at work, constantly on part-time jobs. She is distinguished by her thinking head. It turns out that in addition to this Akemi is also cunning, but this the player will not find out immediately, but only as the story progresses. In terms of the woman's appearance, everything is cool:

  • Beautiful blonde hair
  • Her distinctive accessory is her square glasses
  • Her favorite sweatshirt is a sleeveless, open-necked sweatshirt
  • Tall, which adds to her attractiveness
  • Breasts and hips, but a narrow waist

Solving financial problems

To solve their financial problems, the couple decides to move out of the rental house with Haruka's father - so they can save a lot of money. They wake up early to arrive on time. The father was warned in advance and gave his consent, "Sure, come son."

Goro is Haruka's father

Goro is a balding old man who lives five hours from the city, in the countryside. Goro has set up a household, and his house has everything to live in. The man is really experienced and remembers a lot in life, he has learned from his mistakes.


The Rural Homecoming is an exciting novella with XXX content, where the player is tricked by his favorite woman. Fans of beautiful women and fans of these games, Hot Springs Academy and Mystery Of Magic, will love it. The game is good because of the hot cheating scenes and the protagonist, who is cheating her husband around her finger.

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Snapshots and Media

PC Screenshots

See Also

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