Micro Machines

a game by Codemasters, and Camerica
Genre: Racing
Platforms: XBox, Sega GenesisGenesis, SNESSNES, Playstation 2, Sega Master SystemSega Master System, Playstation, NESNES, GameGear, GameBoy
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 11 reviews
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Rally Games, Micro Machines Series

Micro Machines has charmed gamers in Europe, and now it's racing to America. The concept is simple: You race tiny vehicles on oversized tracks taken from daily life (a breakfast table, a cluttered desk, a sudsy bathtub). The execution is also simple - there are no driver profiles, no statistics, and no car-customizing options. Young gamers will eat up this sugary game, though veterans may get a toothache from all the sweetness.

Drive My Car

Who couldn't smile at racetracks called Breakfast Bends and Desktop Drop-Off? That smile is at the core of Micro Machines' considerable appeal. You race eight kinds of vehicles, from Power Boats to Formula One cars, on 27 different tracks. The vehicles are small, the tracks are big, and the obstacles look like props from one of those Incredible Shrinking Man movies. When you race across the desk, for instance, you'll zoom past huge slide rules and notebooks; go over the edge, and you'll plummet to the tiled floor below.

It's a good thing there's charm to spare, because the races aren't that involving. You always start back in the pack against three other racers. The races do get harder as you progress, but most gamers will probably win the early races with ease. The vehicles aren't that different-you don't shoot with the Tanks or bounce around with the Four By Fours. What's more, to keep the races lightweight, there's no clock to inspire you to improve your time. Nor are there on-screen maps or meters.

Micro Graphics

The colorful, pleasing graphics have sharp details. The vehicles themselves are color-coded, but it's still hard to tell who's who at a glance. Disappointingly, there are no clever depictions of the inevitable wrecks.

The sounds don t add much. Peppy music propels the action, with the whine of engines, a tinny screech of sliding tires, and the soft BAM! of collisions adding some detail. Overall, the sounds are about standard for the Game Gear.

The Racer's Edge

One intriguing aspect is the ability for two players to share a single Game Gear for simultaneous racing. It's clumsy, though, and you're better off with two systems, two games, and the Gear-to-Gear cable. Still, the two-player concept shows how hard this game tries to please, and it does. For the right racer, Micro Machines is Macro Fun.


  • Be able to recognize which objects you can run over and which you can't. In Oilcan Alley, your Warrior rolls right over scattered nails but gets stopped by bolts.
  • You can bump opponents without taking damage. Just don't bump them farther ahead of you!
  • Don't cut comers or splash through big puddles in the bonus round. You have to stay right on-course to finish.
  • The first time you try a new track, don't immediately jump out in front. Instead, follow the leader through the first lap so you can leam the course.
  • If you wipe out near a Sandy Straights ramp, give yourself enough room to build up speed as you approach the ramp. Go too slowly over the ramp and you'll plunge to your doom.
  • Don't take too many shortcuts outside the designated track. If you wreck or go off a ledge, you'll start back where you originally left the track.

Download Micro Machines


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Game modes: Single game mode

Player controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
  • Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
  • "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
  • "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
  • "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)

Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Pentium II (or equivalent) 266MHz (500MHz recommended), RAM: 64MB (128MB recommended), DirectX v8.0a or later must be installed
Playstation 2

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Sega Master System

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • P-200, 32 MB RAM

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Put the pedal to the metal with Camerica's Micro Machines, an exciting new two-player racing game that really turns on the heat! Micro Machines drops you down into a miniature world of motor racing.

Honey, I Shrunk the Car

What makes Micro Machines original is the variety of miniature racing scenarios and vehicles based on the popular toy line by Galoob Toys. You drive via a bird's eye view, overhead perspective through 32 fast-paced levels featuring nine imaginatively drawn tracks, and race against 11 Micro Kids, each with different skill levels and personalities. Wheel your micro motorboat through the bathtub, but don't get sucked down the drain! Take your jeep for a spin on the breakfast table, but mind the spilled syrup! There are tank races in your bedroom, a chopper race through the garden,and a truck load of others!

Learning the controls for each Micro Machine takes time, but once you get them down they're razor sharp. Each mini-vehicle has its own feel. For example, the Formula One racers stick to sharp comers like magnets, whereas the tanks are slow and clumsy.


  • Memorize where the globs of glue are in the Highway Warrior races. Avoiding them gives you the extra edge you need to win.
  • As you get better, race the hardest opponents like Spider and Cherry first and save the easy guys for the tough tracks.

Not A Small-time Racing Game

Micro Machines is a no frills, straightforward racing game. You don't waste time choosing from a zillion different types of engines or tires. Instead, you get down to earth racing fun! Tune up those micro motor skills with Micro Machines!

People say:


If you're a fan of the 16-Bit versions of Micro Machines, then I have good news-the classic gameplay is nearly intact in this spectacular 32-Bit update. For the uninitiated, the game has you racing Micro Machines (yes, those tiny toys) through oversized environments, such as the tops of dining-room tables, across school desks, etc. Depending on the play mode, you'll win by either beating opposing racers to the finish line, completing a track under a certain time limit or staying on a course longer than anyone else (trust me: It's too easy to get lost in some tracks, or fall off the tabletops to smash on the linoleum floor below). All of the coolest Micro Machines are represented, including monster trucks, tanks, power boats--more than 30 bug-size vehicles in all. Plus, you earn secret cars that are saved to your memory card and wagered in multiplayer races. Yet it's the tracks that are the real draw here. You'll see nearly 50 courses (although many are variations of others), and each is modeled in painstaking detail, from the dragonflies that buzz over the water stages to the sticky spilled syrup on the kitchen table. Still, as fun as single-player racing is, multiplayer stinks. Sure, it supports up to eight players, and there's plenty of modes. But with everyone confined to a single screen, it's way too easy to get lost.


The level design in this racing game is very cute, as are the graphics. Although there are different vehicles (including boats), and a few weapons, the gameplay becomes too repetitious. Even worse, the multiplayer part of this game is atrocious. The camera views make it unplayable, and the way that the multiplayer mode is designed to play is annoying. What you're left with is a very average racer that's only fun in its One-player Modes.


It's nice to play a game like this every now and again--clean and simple fun. The game starts off kind of slow but gets much better as you progress, and the primitive graphics work surprisingly well. Even though the courses tend to be a little short, I'm sure I'll still come back to this one. Two more things: What's up with the kindergarten training levels, and the lame characters you can choose? Overall, a solid lit-tie top-down racer.


Players who enjoyed the first two 16-Bit Micro Machines titles will not want to miss this updated version, complete with so many modes you could get lost trying to find them all. While the one-player game is pretty good, the Multiplayer Mode is an utter joke. I don't call falling off edges less than your opponent' a fun match. Yet this is all the game really is. The power-ups aren't very useful, and the track is too large for the screen.

Codemasters are making their video game debut with Micro Machines for the Genesis. Micro has sports cars, Formula One, power boats, combat tanks, helicopters, and dune buggies racing on mini-courses...like a bedroom floor! There are 27 courses ranging from a breakfast table to a bathtub. Watch out for traps like the whirlpool plug hole and a puddle of syrup! Small circuits, huge excitement!

People say:


This is a great two-player racing game! The plot is very clever and some of the racing areas will really make you laugh. The control is a little too touchy, but you get used to it with repeat playings. The variety of racers is also a big plus -although I'm not exactly sure what their strengths and weaknesses are.


While the name is Micro Machines, the game is big in fun! The tracks are very creative and set in some unusual places like pool tables, outside gardens, and the breakfast table. The game really is best when two or more players compete for bragging rights. The one problem is that it just doesn't look like a 16-Bit game.


This is one of the most original games I've ever played. Racing on a breakfast table and other areas of the house makes for one fun game. MM has great play control, but depends much on which racer you pick. The graphics and sound could be improved, but the game play and fun make up for it. Good show Codemasters!


The big plus to this micro game is the unique tracks. There are plenty of creative and humorous racing areas. Graphically the cars are nothing special but the backgrounds keep your eyes busy. Meanwhile your hands will easily get used to the control. Those who like the 8-Bit version will love this 16-Bit cart.

This unique racing game was a hit in England. Instead of racing standard cars on the usual courses, gamers maneuver tiny vehicles on 27 tracks, such as breakfast tables, pool tables, and bathroom floors. Among the vehicles are miniature Tanks, Power Boats, and Helicopters. The overhead view provides a good look at the brightly colored, obstacle-ridden tracks. A special mode enables two players to compete against each other with just one Game Gear.

  • Machine: Game Gear
  • Theme: Racing

For some of the best racing action on your Game Gear, there's Micro Machines. This fast-paced racer is ripping down the road to a store near you. Done by Codemasters (the same people who brought out the terrific Genesis version), this game has very little lost in the translation.

Unlike most portable racers, the control is really top-notch, and there's a number of vehicles and tracks to race on. You can go off-road or zip around in a sports car. There are even tanks for those military players! Micro Machines is a good racing game if you're into this type of cart.

  • # of players: 1 TO 2
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Available: February 1994
  • No. of Levels: 27
  • Theme: Racing

This game does not look very good at first glance. But once you play it, you'll be hooked. It is intense! The levels are great and the constant changing of cars adds to the increased difficulty. There are about 10 cars to choose from, including a monster truck which you get to drive on the Bonus Levels. The look and feel of each car is quite unique. The sports car is quick, but it is difficult to handle tight corners. The 4x4 is slow, but allows for much more control. The Two-Player Option is great when your buddy is around. You can also choose from 11 different characters. Rev it up!

  • Theme: Driving
  • No. of Levels: 27
  • Release: 1994

People say:


Most people will probably skip over this cart, thinking that it's a loser. It's not. It is a fast-paced racer that has a lot of different tracks, vehicles and drivers. You can keep playing this cart over and over. It even has parallax in some of the tracks, like on the table. This game is above all fun. It suffers from a bit of blurring sometimes, but not too much. This game is colorful and controls very well.


Fun, fun fun. Those are the three best words to describe Micro Machines. This game was good on the NES, Genesis and yes, it's good on the Game Gear. The idea is so simple: race a little car around the track against computer or human controlled opponents. The tracks are all unique with cute settings like table tops, garage floors and pool tables. If you're looking for a great game on the go, look no further.


This is one of the most entertaining portable games around. I love the humorous and cute theme of the game. The graphics are above average and the sound is good, even though it's 8-Bit. The best part is you can choose from a large assortment of drivers and also choose them to be your opponents if you like. The many different cars and tracks are welcome. It gets a bit frustrating in some courses. A good game.


Like its 16-Bit counterpart, this game is an exceptional Racing game with lots of humorous pieces. I don't normally like racers, but this is one fun game. The different tracks really make this a good Racing game. Also the control is precise, and there are lots of drivers and vehicles to choose from. With good graphics, decent sounds and interesting backgrounds, it is one racer that you will want to keep on playing.

  • Levels: NA
  • Theme: Racing
  • Difficulty: Average
  • Players: 1 or 2
  • Available: Autumn 1991

Totally Tiny!

Jump in you car and wait for the green flag. But this isn't just any old race. This is a real down to earth' type sprint. Like tiny - in a micro machine! Being so small, the courses are weird - a kitchen table, over school desks, or in your bath tub! The obstacles are strange too. Dodge cheerios, loop around pool balls and cue sticks, and drive a boat in your bathtub around bars of soap. You can get different cars every time you qualify for a race, and these little cars will run at high speeds so be careful. Play head to head with a friend or take on the computer. Either way this is a race you won't soon forget!

  • Type: Racing
  • Available: November 1991
  • Levels: 24
  • Difficulty: Average

The popular line of race cars is soon to be released on the NES format! The unique trait of this exciting title is that you'll need to race your cars in the strangest of places, like sand boxes, breakfast tables, desktops, and pool tables. Race against the other children to build up your collection of cars. You can have boats, dragsters, dune buggies, and many more in this enjoyable and innovative cart!

People say:


Micro Machines doesn't exactly boast the best in graphics or animations. It also doesn't have the best sound support I've ever heard in NES game. What this cart does have is exciting play mechanics and enough style and interaction that's necessary to be a winner.


Even though it looks like a simple game, it couldn't be father from the truth. This is a spectacular, challenging and exciting game taking place on some very unusual type of terrains like the breakfast table and garage floor. Definitely one to look for as it is a lot of fun!


This cart seemed like a kiddie cart at first, but it proves itself to be a great playing game. There are a variety of different vehicles that you can drive and the tracks are really cool. The game offers solid play with a unique theme and enough innovation to keep you interested.


This game is really a lot of fun! I love the overhead perspective and inventive race courses! We've seen radio-control car races and now micro cars! True, as a kid I loved miniature cars and racing them with my friends, but I don't think that influenced my decision...

If games were sugar, Micro Machines would put cavities in every tooth in your head. This game is lightweight fun for young racers, but it's too insubstantial for veteran drivers.

Just Win, Baby

A hit several years ago in Europe, Micro Machines finally brings its charming concept to the SNES. You race nine mini- vehicles on oversized tracks taken from daily life (a pool table, a cluttered desk, a sudsy bathtub, and so on). The fun is in identifying the big obstacles in your path and navigating your helicopter, speedboat, or Formula One car around them.

Simple controls keep the action basic. There are no driver profiles or car-customizing options, and differences between the vehicles are few. Only the tank fires weapons, and you can sometimes win races without even braking.


  • If you wipe out near a ramp, give yourself enough room to build up speed as you approach the ramp again.
  • You can go slightly outside the course to take shortcuts without being penalized.

Shrinking Cars

Cartoony graphics and backgrounds as bright and colorful as anything on Saturday-morning TV give the game youth appeal. The Micro in the title is accurate: The vehicles are indeed small. The lack of an onscreen map, gauges, and wreck animations will frustrate sophisticated gamers.

The cheerful sounds aren't very advanced for racing games. Bouncy music is matched with typical tire screeches and whining engines.

If you have a sweet tooth for adorable but insubstantial games, this box of goodies will hook you, and the four-player simultaneous racing and increasingly difficult tracks add replay value. For the novice racer, Micro Machines is Macro Fun.

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    Andy said on Forum:

    Such a classic game, It was the first all out party fun game and always ensured you'll be having a great laugh, And it is still just as good as when i first played these great games, It is a bit tricky though so i would strongly suggest you get to grips with the first in the series or Military before you play Turbo!...