Cross Racing Championship 2005

Download Cross Racing Championship 2005 and experience the exhilarating world of off-road racing! Customize your vehicles, master challenging tracks, and leave your opponents in the dust. Ready to put the pedal to the metal? Play now!
a game by Invictus Games, Ltd.
Platform: PC (2005)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Racing Games
Cross Racing Championship 2005
Cross Racing Championship 2005
Cross Racing Championship 2005
Cross Racing Championship 2005

We all know that there is no shortage of racing games out there, but Cross Racing Championship 2005 is one of the more hidden gems in the genre. Thankfully, this game is starting to get the respect it deserves thanks to being re-released on STEAM a few years back. Today, I am here to tell you why this racing game that is the better part of two decades old is worth checking out.

Cross By Name, But Not By Nature

Ok, so with “cross” in the title, you know that this is a game that is heavily influenced by rallycross style of racing. Well, that is cool, but you also have track races, time trials, and so on as well so Cross Racing Championship 2005 offers far more than the name just suggests. What really brought me in with this game was the style of it.

Racing games tend to fit into sim or arcade categories and that is cool. With this game though, they have managed to walk that fine line. This is a sim, but it is not too bogged down in realism to take away all of the fun that you want in a racing game. I look at it as a more in-depth version of a game like Sega Rally.

6 Of The Best

The game features six different areas for you to race in and each area then has a selection of tracks in it. For example, the beach looking area has over 10 different tracks. So you are in the same area, but the track layout will change. This is really cool as it lets you get familiar with an area, but the change of track layout still keeps you on your toes.

I found Cross Racing Championship 2005 to be a very nice-looking game. You can really crank the settings up on this and have some awesome fine details that bring things to life. The cars of which there is a great selection all look great and I love the way they move on the track and also get super dirty as you race!

Win The Championship!

This is a game that has all the game modes you would expect such as time trial and so on, but it is the Championship/Career Mode that I loved. This is where you will be unlocking new tracks and cars as you progress. You start with a bit of a clunker of a rally car, but you can build it up with upgrades and get access to new cars. Certain cars perform better on certain kinds of tracks so there is a fair bit of strategy at play here.

Race To The End

The actual racing gameplay is great. It does lean slightly more towards the sim end of the spectrum, but that is not a bad thing. Timing your corners right, dealing with the aggressive AI smashing into you, and knowing when to break are just a few of the things to consider, not to mention more in-depth stuff like knowing if all-wheel drive is what you need! There is more than enough here for hardcore racing enthusiasts, but not at the expense of the fun.


I was very impressed with Cross Racing Championship 2005. I wish more racing games would take this approach to the sim way of doing things. This game shows that you can have a realistic racing game, but also have it still be a lot of fun. It may start off a little slow, but this is a truly awesome racing game and one that is very easy for me to recommend.


  • The cars all look great
  • A nice selection of locations and tracks
  • The championship/career mode is very addictive
  • It is a sim game, but it also has some arcade-style elements to it
  • The races can be very challenging


  • It does start rather slow
  • Might not be the in-depth sim some people are looking for

Download Cross Racing Championship 2005


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

CRC2005 Slots Neatly into the gap between titles like TOCA and Colin McRae; a gap that many people probably aren't even aware exists. It covers rallycross, a motorsport that makes use of both man-made and natural surfaces; and also offers you the chance to slide around in autocross, off-road, rally-sprint, rally, road-racing and circuit-racing.

Managing to bridge the gap between hardcore driving sim and arcade racer, CRC offers plenty to do with an extensive career mode, time trials and more, all giving you the chance to keep your car filthy and the local car wash raking in the cash. Graphically it's more Ford than Ferrari now, but there's still plenty of sideways fun to be had here on a shoestring budget.

Snapshots and Media

PC Screenshots

See Also

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