SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition

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a game by Maxis Software
Platform: PC (2003)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 2 reviews
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See also: Simulator Games, Political Games, SimCity Games, Games Like Tropico
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition

In SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition you can create a megalopolis by branching out into various cities, each with its unique characteristics. You can then compete with other residents for resources and share a common transportation network. You can create mountains, valleys, and rivers to construct the most realistic city possible. In addition, the new simulation engine allows you to react quickly to changes in the environment. The My Sim features allow you to customize your Sim and move them around the city, giving you instant feedback on its progress.

You have complete control over your city's transportation system by taking over the roads, railways, air, and water. In U-Drive It!, various missions will allow you to solve problems and earn reward buildings. Mayor approval rating will rise as you accomplish various tasks and improve the quality of life for your residents. SimCity 4 also introduces new road types, such as wide avenues, suspension bridges, and one-way streets.

Create a new city by going global or looking at different parts of the city with their unique characteristics. In addition, various disasters can affect the city, such as massive accidents at railroad crossings and UFO invasions. SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition is essentially SimCity 4 base game combined with the Rush Hour expansion.

SimCity 4 Key Features

The goal of SimCity 4 is to create an entire region of cities where residents can compete for resources and share a common transportation network. God-like powers allow you to create a world based on your imagination. You can also summon natural disasters such as tornadoes, volcanoes, and meteors. Build a world-class city with the help of real-world landmarks such as airports, schools, and stadiums. You can also deploy emergency vehicles to fight fires and other mobs. The SimCity 4 Guide will allow you to get in touch with the city's rhythm, letting you know what's happening in it.

SimCity 4 Rush Hour Key Features

You have complete control over your city's transportation system by taking over the cars, helicopters, and ambulances. You can also solve various missions and earn reward buildings. New Transportation Features: With the addition of new transportation options, such as high-speed monorails and one-way streets, SimCity 4 can create a variety of new cities.

In addition to these, SimCity 4 introduces new disasters such as the UFO invasion, train accidents, and gridlock. You can also take action to prevent these from happening. You can now create a new city or a different setting based on the Modern European building set, including Chicago, New York, and Houston. Four new tutorials have made getting started in SimCity 4 easier and faster than ever. You can also set the game's difficulty level.

SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition vs Cities Skylines

In SimCity, the cities are limited to a square that never changes size. This means that if the map has a huge mountain or lake, it will limit the number of buildings built in the city. The road system also makes it incredibly difficult to build anything roads can't access.


Cities Skylines is much larger than that of SimCity 4. Without mods, you can quickly expand your city as it grows in size. It also doesn't require you to connect to the roads to run water and electricity. In Cities Skylines, you can even build structures used as energy generators.

Water & Power

In SimCity, the power and water were distributed like units. If a power plant produces 40 units, they will be transported along a road until they reach zero. This means that it can take a long time for buildings to gain access to electricity, leading to confusion as to whether or not the plants are producing enough.


One of the most useful features of Cities Skylines is the ability to create districts. This allows you to have one district that requires the installation of fire alarms.


Cities Skylines also supports mods, allowing you to create new buildings with unique functions that the developers never implemented. For instance, a trash incinerator can be built with a design that doesn't pollute the city and only occupies a tiny area.

SimCity 4 Pros & Cons


  • Best for players who love long lasting game
  • Full of addictive elements & plug ins
  • Huge fan base & excellent community forum
  • Tons of map varieties


  • Cities size too small
  • Problems with rendering the game (Transport, RCI, Jobs, Education, Services)
  • Requires massive resource, need top of the line systems
  • Very poor customer service (EA Games)

Download SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition is a fantastic city builder that will surely blow you away with its visuals and its complexity. If you’ve ever sat around in your city and thought “goodness, this place is terrible. I should be running it and I’d do a better job for sure,” then you’ve come to the right game to prove it.

SimCity 4 lets you be both a benevolent mayor and a vengeful god as you establish your city with functional infrastructure and then throw a bunch of tornadoes at it. If being fickle higher being is your favorite game to play, then this is the game for you. Let’s get into it.


SimCity 4 is a city creation and simulation game that allows you to create a fantastic city exactly as you want it to be. By simply clicking and dragging, you can create an amazing city filled with a variety of buildings that all serve a different purpose. There is something distinctly addictive about this game as it tickles that creative part of your brain like few games ever could. It functions much like Cities: Skylines, but with, arguably, a better user interface.

One of the things you will find about this title is that it looks great and it handles even better. A tremendously intuitive interface means you don’t have to play guessing games with where everything is. Its easy to jump right in, allowing you to get to work immediately with no massive learning curve.

There are three primary game modes for SimCity 4:

  • God Mode

Here you are able to design and alter the terrain. You can select where the city will be built, but it will also allow you to trigger natural disasters, including tornadoes and earthquakes. This part of the game allows you to test the infrastructure that you design in the Mayor Mode.

  • Mayor Mode

In Mayor Mode, all the city building is done. It’s up to you to decide where everything goes, from where streets are placed, areas are zoned, and buildings are located. You have a massive amount of control of how the city looks and functions, but you also have a massive amount of responsibility to make sure that everything looks and functions correctly. In Mayor Mode, the real game is played and you will find hundreds of hours of fun to be had here.

  • MySim Mode

In this part of the game, you will be able to create user-defined Sims and have them come live in the city you made. Get down to the nitty gritty and make it so that you can see exactly how a Sim gets by in your city. This Sim will also have deal with the natural disasters and catastrophic events. These sims can be imported from The Sims game.


The visuals in this game were absolutely amazing in their day. Everything looks clear and easy to distinguish, but the art style also has a lot of personality that you rarely find in games like this. SimCity 4 is anything but generic.

Deluxe Edition

As this is the deluxe edition, you have access to the Rush Hour expansion pack that lets you take much greater control over transportation facilities and networks. This also adds some interesting new architectural styles for you to add to your city.


An absolute classic, this game will go down in history as being one of the best. Play it ASAP.


  • Excellent visuals
  • Fantastic gameplay and intuitive user interface
  • Amazing creative control offered to players


  • I have experienced a few bugs while playing

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See Also

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