The 11th Hour

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a game by Trilobyte
Platform: PC
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 3 reviews
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Mystery Games, Best Detective Games, Quest Games
The 11th Hour
The 11th Hour
The 11th Hour
The 11th Hour

It's time once again for scaredy cats to take a hike. In 11th Hour you'll play an investigative reporter for television's Case Unsolved. You're "in search of" your love, who has disappeared during a murder investigation in Henry Stauf's hometown. Yes, Stauf is up to his old ghastly, ghostly 7th Guest tricks.

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

This graphic adventure is a sequel to the hit PC game 7th Guest. The chills continue as you become Carl Denning, an investigative reporter for television's Cases Unsolved. During a murder investigation, Denning's partner, Robin, disappears. Now you must search the sinister Stauf Mansion for clues to the mystery. The gameplay includes lots of horrifying surprises, strange puzzles to solve, and the same gorgeous first-person, live-action 3D graphics that made the original game so haunting.

There are a lot of PC games that have come and gone in the past: some good, some bad. However, there are a few that stick out in everybody's mind as being "ground breakers." One such game that comes to mind is The 7th Guest. Upon its release, this masterpiece set the industry standard for future titles with excellent-looking video, a compelling story line and a collection of mind-boggling puzzles that sent gamers scurrying to the stores in search of a hint book. That was then, this is now, and Trilobyte has been hard at work preparing The 11th Hour: The Sequel to The 7th Guest, the second installment to the original dark and grisly tale. More than 70 years have passed since the original setting of the first game, and you play the role of an investigative reporter for a TV show, Case Unsolved. The story unfolds as you must head for the mysterious Stauf Mansion in search of the show's missing producer who just happens to be your girlfriend as well. The gameplay in The 11th Hour is somewhat similar to that of The 7th Guest, with a few twists to it. You will still have to explore the house and try your luck at the extremely complicated, hairpulling puzzles that the evil Stauf has conjured up, but unlike the first game, you are on a treasure hunt for items that Stauf has hidden in the mansion. There are many different items to interact with, but to progress through the game you will need to click on the correct one. In order to do this successfully, you will have to use a small gamebook much like a computerized personal organizer. This is where you will not only load and save games, view the floorplan of the house and receive help on the puzzles if you become stumped, but also receive a small text clue leading you in the direction of the correct object you need to find in the house. For example, your first text clue in the game is "winter coat; used for a mixer." By analyzing the puzzle, you must first use the clue, "used for a mixer" and rearrange the letters in "winter coat" to find the answer. If you have figured it out, you will soon be on your way, searching through the mansion for a bottle of tonic water. Once you find the object, you will be able to watch a small segment of video via the gamebook that will reveal a little bit of the story at a time. When you have successfully completed your task of solving all the puzzles in the house and finding the correct items, you will be able to piece together the story and find out the answers to a lot of the unsolved questions in the game. Sound easy? Not likely. Right from the first puzzle, you will find yourself wondering if the solution is even remotely possible. If you're looking for a game with superior graphics that will be well worth your money, The 11th Hour: The Sequel to The 7th Guest is just the game you've been waiting for!

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