The Lecuyer Cult

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a game by SALR Games
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 3 reviews, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games
The Lecuyer Cult
The Lecuyer Cult
The Lecuyer Cult
The Lecuyer Cult

I had a very interesting time when playing The Lecuyer Cult. I came into this game thinking that it was going to be a tremendous story based lewd game as the idea of this strange mansion with strange people living in it greatly appealed to me. However, while I came for the story, it was actually the huge amount of XXX content that the game offered that ultimately kept me hooked to see what I was going to get to see next.

A Mansion Of Secrets!

Before I played The Lecuyer Cult and I read the synopsis I was so sure this was going to be a story that I loved. Your friend has been missing and you get a strange message to come to the Lecuyer Mansion where he apparently is. This place has been in this family’s legacy for generations and you will learn a great deal about these people in regard to who they are, what they have done, and how you relate to it all. It sounds great, but the plot is way more confusing than it needed to be which was unfortunate.

Forgive Or Revenge

This is a lewd visual novel and one of the things that I really liked about The Lecuyer Cult was that the choices it gives the player feel like they are incredibly important. You get to experience these characters' stories and while I know I said that the plot was hard to follow and confusing. They nail the ending here and they give the player a very important and definitive choice to make which I thought was great. I feel that with an editor this story could have been truly fantastic and matched the XXX content that the game offers!

Lewdness After Lewdness!

Sometimes you play a lewd game for the XXX content and then it is the story that ends up hooking you and makes you love it. However, The Lecuyer Cult is the other way around. I came into this game because I loved the sound of the plot, but it was the lewd content that really impressed me in this game! the fact that the girls look great and there is a lot of variety to not just their faces and bodies, but what they are wearing too. What is insane about this game is the rate at which it dishes out the lewd content. You never feel like you are waiting too long for the next sex scene and that is awesome! I will say that I hope the developer considers adding in a gallery at some point.


While I was critical of the story that The Lecuyer Cult told, I do feel that the bones for a compelling and interesting story are here, it just needs to be edited a tad to make it flow better and make more sense. However, I will say that the lewd content on offer here is some of the best I have come across in a lewd visual novel recently. Those who love their XXX games to dish out the hot stuff quickly will be very happy with how often boobs, butts, and more are on the screen!


  • The premise of the story is very interesting
  • The choices it gives you feel like they really matter
  • It is packed with lewd content!
  • There is an excellent variety of girls in the game


  • The plot needs to be worked on
  • It can be confusing at times to know what is going on

Download The Lecuyer Cult


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

The Lecuyer Cult is an erotic visual novel by developer SALR Games, where the player will investigate the disappearance of a good friend and live in an old house with big-breasted women.

Main Character

The protagonist is a twenty-year-old man, given a name of his own choosing. The guy wears his hair short black with a bold style. His favorite clothing is a solid polo. Abraham (let's give him that name) wears a watch and a bracelet.

In the plot of The Lecuyer Cult, the guy receives a mysterious message inviting him to find a missing friend. All traces point to a place called Lecuyer. There stands a large and mysterious house. Cross its threshold and get the opportunity to rescue your friend and get to a gala dinner party.

During the event, the player will be able to meet the participants and establish communication, which can lead to a sexual encounter. On the actions of the player depends on whether he can get interested in the beautiful babes. Can you kill two birds with one stone? Try to find a friend and get involved in a romantic adventure.


Lecuyer is an old cottage that has a long history. Each character will tell a few secrets and traditions about the place. Lecouyer has been passed down from great-grandchildren to grandchildren, from grandchildren to their children, and the chain will continue from there. You'll find out who the owners of this house were.

Dump or date?

The Lecuyer Cult gives the user a choice. Periodically, four answer choices appear on the screen and the player chooses only one. This decision will affect which ending the protagonist participates in and which characters he or she interacts with. Dilemmas will follow the player at every step. Every now and then you will have to face a choice:

  • Blow off or date
  • Forgive or revenge
  • Indulge or endure

Usually interactive novels provide monotonous models, but The Lecuyer Cult is not that case. The girls' outfits are different: Dider and Clara are different. In one thing, however, the girls are similar - they have lush forms, especially the breasts.


The plot of The Lecuyer Cult is a rather controversial aspect to evaluate. The story can seem unclear and too confusing, which is bad for this genre. Visual novelizations should focus on a mixture of an easily digestible, yet dynamic story and attention-holding bed scenes. Too many details and names, SALR Games can fix that in future games. Support the indie developers with a Patreon donation!

Talk about the pros and cons. Pros:

  • Mysteriousness of the plot
  • The ability to decide which storyline to follow
  • Lots of sex scenes
  • Lots of girls


  • Overcomplicated story. Tangled plot

The Lecuyer Cult is a cool visual novel that at first glance offers an unusual plot and magic, but ends up being a quality collection of adult content. To be fair - the sexual content is really at a high level. Recommended to fans of H-Rescue, Watching My Wife, Summer Scent.

Snapshots and Media

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See Also

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