Arietta of Spirits

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a game by Third Spirit Games
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Best Indie Games, Top Down Games, Pixel Art Games, Isometric Games, Hack and Slash Games
Arietta of Spirits
Arietta of Spirits
Arietta of Spirits

There's something vaguely familiar about Arietta of Spirits. Perhaps it looks like a handheld console cartridge game? Maybe that it got the look and feel of something made on a publicly available game maker? Whatever the case, you still can't help but feel a little emotionally attached to games like these, regardless of whether they are good or not.

Arietta of Spirits looks like a journey, though. It has the stature of a game that exploits that emotion and nostalgia to deliver a good few hours of experience. If it does follow the traditional top-down pixelated RPG mechanics, though. The worst you could expect is an average offering. Having said that, we are in an age where too many games seem to be less than adequate.

Arietta, Alouette

As you would expect, Arietta of Spirits depends on a resonating narrative to keep the player attached through the journey. It's safe to say that the core focus of the gameplay is indeed the storyline and is the best asset that the game carries along. Unfortunately, when focusing on one mechanical aspect, it tends to take prominence over the rest.

In Arietta of Spirits, the core combat mechanics and level progression do become a bit monotonous. However, considering the game is condensed enough - there leaves just enough variation. Upgrades, battle tactics, and combat styles make up a lot of the player engagement. The traditional RPG aesthetics and gameplay are rife through the game, which arguably could excuse some of the mundane areas for nostalgists.

The beautiful visuals and flowing animations tend to do Arietta of Spirits justice in the modern gaming world. The world features a gorgeous pixel color palette spanning all the tones of the rainbow. It's complemented with combat animations and movements that are far-fetched from the age-old low frame chop - and it feels refreshing.

Arietta of Spirits is well constructed as it ends up feeling like a journey. It's purposefully linear to facilitate a rollercoaster of emotions. While it's got the representation of being a game you could stick 100-hours into, alas, it is a much more streamlined RPG clocking at about 5-hours. That's not to say that period isn't full of some fantastic gameplay.

Spirits Entwined

Arietta of Spirits plays like an unreleased Game Boy project. But that is what makes the game so fascinating. It's like it's been locked away in a vault for years, only now to come to light. The classic graphics, traditional mechanics, and the deep story touch on what gave fame to the best of those handheld games.


There's no question that you get early Legend of Zelda vibes from Arietta of Spirits. The gameplay feels like the latter is an ambitious, innovative version of the former. So is it worth playing? If you don't mind your RPGs being short and condensed, absolutely. Otherwise, you may feel a bit lackluster with boundaries put in place.


  • A fantastic, meaningful storyline
  • Beautifully pixelated world
  • Well-designed to keep players engaged through every level


  • Short playtime for an RPG
  • Combat can get repetitive
  • Certain areas feel like filler content against the developer's promise

Download Arietta of Spirits


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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