Beholder 3

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a game by Paintbucket Games
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 6.7/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Simulator Games, Strategy Games, Dark Humor Games, Point-and-Click Quests, Beholder Series

I am not entirely sure what genre I would put Beholder 3 into as it mixes many different gameplay styles. The idea of having to play as a kind of spy who needs to do things that may not exactly be ok with their moral code in order to survive was something I thought was pretty interesting. What we have here is one of those games that once it gets its hooks into you, becomes very addictive and you want to uncover all you can about this very totalitarian world.

Staying Out Of Jail!

The premise of the game is what I find most interesting about Beholder 3. We play as a family man called, Frank. Frank has been set up and as a result, he has lost his job and is facing some serious jail time! He is given a choice by a high-ranking security officer at the Ministry to spy on people working as a government spy to make sure they are not doing anything they should not be.

The idea of this horrible totalitarian state and this family man being forced to work for them and spy on people is very interesting!

Call The Landlord!

The way that they have Frank spying on people is by having him appear to be a landlord of this building. In Beholder 3, Frank has two jobs, his undercover job is him as the landlord and here he needs to act like a landlord, this means that he has to meet the needs of his “tenants” as to not draw suspicion on himself. He also has to sneak into their apartments, look through the stuff and find out what they are up to. It kind of plays out like a point-and-click adventure and puzzle game.

Working Your Way Up!

As well as working as a landlord, Beholder 3 also has Frank working at The Ministry. Here you have to spy on your co-workers to try and get ahead of them and basically scheme your way to the top so you can have a better life for yourself and your family. There are different factions at play here and trying to keep in the good side of them all, all the while playing them off against each other is a lot of fun and will certainly keep you on your toes.

A Very Serious Kind Of Style

I really like the presentation of Beholder 3. The game is a 2D game and it has a very depressing kind of look to it that fits in with the theming, story, and world that the game is set in.

The people in this world have a very basic look to them as they kind of look like shadows, it is hard to explain, but I do really like the artistic direction that they took with this game.


I am pretty sure that this is the kind of game that is not going to be for everyone out there. If you like point-and-click style games and games that have a dark and moody kind of setting where you have to sneak around and pretty much play as someone who is not the morally outstanding citizen you thought they were at the start, you are in for a good time with this game. For me, the playing people against each other aspect of Beholder 3 was what I got a real kick out of.


  • The game has a very interesting and unique art style
  • I liked the story and the setting of the game
  • It is fun to play people against each other
  • I liked the dynamic of being a spy, but also having a mundane job as well


  • The story may be a tad depressing or some
  • The game is a slow burn

Download Beholder 3


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

See Also

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