Car For Sale Simulator 2023

Play Car for Sale Simulator and fix up that hunk of junk so you can sell it! This is a fun game where you get to work on cars so you can then sell them, making money so you can buy more!
a game by Red Axe Games
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 2 reviews, 3 reviews are shown
User Rating: 7.4/10 - 101 votes
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See also: Simulator Games, Open World Games, Racing Games, Life Simulation Games, Transport Simulation Games, Car Repair Shop Games
Car For Sale Simulator 2023
Car For Sale Simulator 2023
Car For Sale Simulator 2023
Car For Sale Simulator 2023

I am not sure why they put a year in the title of Car For Sale Simulator 2023 as the game is in early access and it is now 2024, but this is one of the most addictive video games that I have played in a while. I am not what you would call a “car guy” however, I got so sucked into the loop of buying, fixing, and selling cars that I was shocked at how much I played this game. I am sure if you are a car guy and have an interest in stuff like this, the game is going to be even more addictive for you!

It Was All A Dream

There is no story in Car For Sale Simulator 2023, but to be fair, that was to be expected. Our goal is basically to build up our car empire. We start with just one car that we can sell and from here our little auto shop can grow, grow and grow. Well, as long as we are making the right decisions of course. There is haggling that you can do with other characters where you can decide if you trust them at their word or if you want to order a full inspection. I liked this and it is probably as close to any kind of “story” that you are going to get in a game like this.

A Very Addictive Cycle

The gameplay loop of Car For Sale Simulator 2023 never changes and I guess that is where some people may have a problem with it. You buy a car from someone, and you then decide how much you want to work on the car, sprucing it up, giving it new parts, a new paint job, and so on. All of this will eat into your profit margin, but at the same time, you do not want to get a reputation for selling crappy dangerous cars! You take the money you have made from the sale and buy more cars! As you make more money, you can improve your business and buy even more expensive cars. It is a loop that I personally found very addictive.

Hanging Around The Neighborhood

There are some weird parts of Car For Sale Simulator 2023. To start with the game is played in the first-person and it does offer some bar exploration and also some driving. I have to say, this did nothing for me and I think the game would have been better off without it! I know variety is the spice of life, but I would have liked to have seen something else, maybe another kind of management mini-game like opening a car wash or a mini-mart type thing. I do appreciate that they recognized that they needed to have a little something else here and it is certainly not bad, but I just do not see the point of it.

Turning A Lemon Into Lemonade

I enjoyed my time playing Car For Sale Simulator 2023 immensely. I know that at first glance the graphics may not wow you and if you are not into cars, it probably does not sound all that interesting. However, I will say that if you are interested in management-style games, this is something even if you do have a lack of interest in cars, it is going to entertain you. I found that after a few hours, the repeated gameplay loop did start to wear a little thin, yet the possibility of being able to afford a dream car or pull off an amazing restoration kept me interested.


I do think that they need to get rid of the year in the title as it dates the game and it is not even fully released yet. Car For Sale Simulator 2023 is a game I had so much fun with. I ended up firing up Spotify and just having an absolute blast making my little car empire grow. As I have said multiple times, I am not even a car guy and I managed to get fully invested in this. I will be back each time there is a new update and hopefully, they will get the game fully complete sooner than later.


  • The gameplay loop is very addictive
  • You feel amazing when you make a big sale
  • I appreciate that they tried to add in extra gameplay elements
  • I am sure if you are into cars, this will be even more addictive


  • The walking around and driving did nothing for me
  • Why would they put the year in the title?

Download Car For Sale Simulator 2023


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

The borderline where this trove of simulator games starts to get ridiculous wildly varies by person. Games like Car for Sale Simulator 2023 don't define a mutually-agreed pinpoint where many gamers would find running somewhat of a scrapyard outright silly and massively entertaining. So, in just a few minutes, we already have a polarizing opinion without actually playing the title.

But regardless of your initial opinions for what's seemingly yet another title getting on the management-sim popularity train, you must admire the creative approach to Car For Sale Simulator 2023. They could have chosen a more direct name for the game, but we're still curious to see what a title about a drifter selling less-than-remarkable cars could be like.

A New Kind of Car Salesperson

We've all got a fixed image of how a car sales professional is; a well-dressed, in-your-face personality that's ready to move the earth to get you to buy those vehicles. Car For Sale Simulator 2023 takes a different approach, putting you in the shoes of a drifter-like character, having you obtain used cars in town and trying to resell them. It's an intriguing idea, but a bit confused upon starting the game.

There's some stereotype of car salespeople in the area where the game was developed, as the game's mechanics are unrelatable. Players will troll around town, finding cars to fix up and sell, arguably the most exciting part of gameplay, then go to the bar to play blackjack and get drunk. Of course, there are also those risk factors of people stealing vehicles and those damn taxes you'll have to pay.

The objective is to make as much money as possible, and while it's fun once you get your head around the mechanics, it gets stale quickly. Players find themselves unlocking cars and getting to the top relatively fast, meaning there's nothing left to do except share a dozen beers with your local comrades all the time.

Car For Sale Simulator 2023 is most ideally played as a time killer when there's not much else to play. One of the advantages is that you can invest a few minutes to a few hours playing and be somewhat satisfied with the outcome of your efforts. But visually, mechanically, and objectively, the game feels tired.

Snake-Oil Potential

Car For Sale Simulator 2023 feels too condensed and becomes too easy to get bored. Some design choices could have made the game more sandbox-oriented to add extra layers of entertainment value. However, what you can do is nowhere near as fun as similar management-sim titles such as Car Mechanic Simulator 2021.


But let's not write off Car For Sale Simulator 2023 as an average offering. We live in an age where games are released and expanded upon when player feedback starts rushing into the fray. The title will improve once the developers have narrowed down what a broader player base wants to see in such an obscure game. So let's keep our eyes on it, but for now, it's average.

Round-Up - Pros & Cons


  • A different type of car management sim
  • Social mechanics outside the main gameplay are attractive
  • A varied number of cars to buy and sell


  • It gets boring quickly
  • The mechanics aren't straightforward from the start
  • Some elements of gameplay feel redundant

Car For Sale Simulator 2023 is a simulator for restoring and selling cars that no longer have any hope of finding another owner. Build your own auto shop and repair cars there, which will later be sold. Restore, paint and offer for sale cars from different times and in different condition. Improve the workshop, buy back unique cars and become a car tycoon.

Pros of the game:

  • Buy a wide variety of cars and look for valuable pieces among them
  • Promote cars by driving them around

Snapshots and Media

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