Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl

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a game by Banana Slime
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Visual Novel, Dating Simulators, Ahegao Games
Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl
Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl
Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl
Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl

Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl is a short lewd visual novel that if you are someone who loves to smoke is a must play! Seriously, I do not think I have played a lewd game or a game in general where smoking was such an important part of the character's personality! You will beat this in one sitting, but it has some cute art and I do think that they had something kind of interesting with the story. I recently played all the way through this and felt that it deserved a bit of special attention.

A Lonely Guy Looking For Love… Or To Get Laid

One thing that I think may make or break Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl for you is the main character. The game goes to great lengths to let us know that this man is not all that happy with the current state of his life. He pretty much tells us that his life consists of watching anime and jerking off! I think that he comes across as kind of pathetic and they needed to do a bit more to give him a likable personality. Well, his life could change for the better after a chance meeting at a store.

Buying A Pack Of Smokes

In Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl, our lonely and fap loving main character comes across the woman of his dreams while he is looking to buy a pack of smokes. She smokes too which is something that attracts him to her. Look, I hate smoking with a passion so this was a real turn off for me! Anyway, back on track, this chick is his dream woman and we are basically trying to help him make the right choices so that he can get to know her better and perhaps strike up some kind of romance with her. The idea here is not bad at all and I do like how the two main characters are designed to be “normal” and relatable.

Not Your Typical Love Story

As I said in the intro, Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl is a very short game. I think it took me around 30 minutes to get to the end of this. It plays like a lewd visual novel where you read the text and then make choices here and there to get to the ending. Notice how I said “the ending” that is because there is only one! Again, this is designed to be a short experience so I get that they do not have a bunch of branching paths and multiple endings. It is the kind of game that is a one and done type thing. The kind of game you play when you want something quick that you can play all the way through in one sitting, perhaps as a pallet cleanser between bigger and longer games.

She Looks Hot, But She Probably Smells!

I know that I am sounding like some kind of anti-smoking public service announcement guy, but Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl having the main dude and girl be smokers was a bit of a turn-off for me as I just imagined the pair of them smelling gross! That is a shame too as this is a great looking game, it has a more realistic kind of anime style to it and I think the artist here has some real talent. There is only one lewd scene in the game and that is what you are working towards. Some may say that this lewd scene is basic, but in terms of the story and these characters, I think that it is very fitting.


If you are a smoker and find smoking hot, you can easily give Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl an extra point or even a point and a half! I found this to be an interesting lewd visual novel and honestly, if the whole smoking thing was not such a big part of the characters, I probably would have scored it a little higher myself. At the end of the day, you can beat this in 30 minutes so if you think it looks decent, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.


  • The art style is cool
  • I liked the premise of the story
  • If you are a smoker, you may get a kick out of this
  • It does not take up much of your time


  • If you are an anti-smoker like me, you may find this a turn-off
  • There is only one sex scene in the whole game

Download Dream Girlfriend: Doomer Girl


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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