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a game by Studio Sai
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Anime Games, Best Casual Games, JRPG Games, Hack and Slash Games, LGBTQ+ Games, Mystery Games, Best Detective Games, Sci-Fi RPG, Post-Apocalyptic Games

One of the more interesting games that I have seen recently is Eternights. Part dungeon crawler, part dating sim, and part action game. It is the kind of game that on paper sounds very weird and like it would be a mess, but there is something here that makes this one of the most intriguing games you will play in the next year. We are taking a look at what this game has going on and I for one think that this looks like a ton of fun!

“Save The World & Find Love Along The Way”

That is a direct quote from the Steam page of this game and that right there gets me interested. The setting of Eternights is a future where there has been an incident that has turned the majority of the world’s population into bloodthirsty killing machines. We play as a guy that is trying to live in this world and also find a cure to save as many as he can. However, he also wants to go on dates and find that special someone in his life too!

I Really Like You

The dating sim element of the story is very fun and told with some great writing and excellent cutscenes. In Eternights there are (I am pretty sure) five love interests for you to go on dates with and get to know better. I like this aspect of the game and think that it adds a great deal to it and makes it more than just another action-packed dungeon crawler style of game. It kind of reminds me of movies like Love & Monsters and Anna and the Apocalypse.

Hacking, Slashing, Dancing, And Loving!

The gameplay we have going on here is something that has me very excited. The game gives you options of what you want to do on any given day. You can of course head to The Wall which is what Eternights calls its dungeons. Here you will fight enemies, make your way to bosses and get new loot that you can use. There is also the dating sim elements where you can get to know the love interests better and there is even a dancing mini game here which I think looks like a lot of fun. There is a lot of variety to the gameplay and the challenge for me seems like it will be deciding what to do on any given day.

Bringing The Story To Life

I am in awe of the way that this game looks! It is a truly beautiful looking game and a game that I think would be perfect to be turned into a movie or a TV series. Eternights has a real anime look about it. The world that this place is set in, is dark, depressing, and dangerous, but there is also hope and love here too. The characters all have very expensive faces and the cut scenes that you experience in the game will differ, depending on who you decide to focus on when it comes to romancing them.

As you have probably figured out, Eternights is a game that I am very, very excited about. As I write this preview, the game is still scheduled for an early 2023 release and I am hopeful that it is going to make that window.


There is just so much to like about this from the excellent story, the hack and slash gameplay in the dungeons, and the fun romance sim elements where you try to find love in this dangerous and messed up world!


  • The story is something that I am really digging
  • There are multiple love interests for you to get with
  • The hack and slash style gameplay looks like a lot of fun
  • Overall, there is a great deal of variety in this game


  • It may be a tad “weird” for some people
  • This is the kind of game that may not get a physical release

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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