Forever Skies

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a game by Far From Home
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Open World Games, First Person Shooter Games, Sandbox Games, RPGs, Survival Games, Crafting Games, Sci-Fi RPG, Post-Apocalyptic Games
Forever Skies
Forever Skies
Forever Skies
Forever Skies

Forever Skies is a really cool sci-fi survival game that could be one of the best survival games of 2022! As I write this, the game is an early access release, but there is more than enough here for us to do a deep dive and take a closer look at today. I know that survival games are like a dime a dozen these days, but I do honestly think that there is something special here to make them stand out from the crowd.

Returning To Earth!

The plot of the game is set in the distant future and in Forever Skies we are returning to Earth after mankind abandoned the planet over 100 years prior. There was an ecological disaster that caused Earth to be covered in this thick layer of dust. Now you must return to Earth and try to make it habitual once again. However, you also have to find a cure for a sickness that is threatening your family. Finding out what really happened and what is lurking under the dust are also mysteries that you will have to solve.

An Airship To Call Home

In Forever Skies you will be traveling around this wasteland of Earth on a fancy airship. This airship is your mode of transport, your home, your lab, and everything in between. It actually plays a pretty big part in the game as you will have to make sure that it is maintained as well as upgrade it to make sure it is capable of doing what you require it to do. The building and customization of your airship sound like something that is going to be a great deal of fun.

Weird Science!

A huge part of the game is going to be collecting various things such as the strange fauna that grows beneath the dust to try and make things with such as medicine to cure your family. You will also have to use science in Forever Skies to try and build new gear and equipment. I love the idea of scavenging for this “old tech” and then using them to make new things that can make your life easier and give you a better chance of surviving and saving this hellish Earth that you are on.

What Lies Beneath

Now that is an obscure movie reference am I right? Forever Skies as I said, takes place on an Earth that is covered in a layer of dust and it is under this dust where you will see how the planet has evolved over the last hundred plus years. This is where you are in the most danger as this strange new plant life has taken over and you need to keep your wits about it to harvest what you need while you are down there, but also to make sure you do not end up dead!


I know that many people will roll their eyes at yet another survival game being released, but I really do think that Forever Skies has something special about it. I am loving the sci-fi nature of what is going on here and having to figure out what is going on under the dust is something that I am very excited about doing. Add to this some exciting and fun survival style gameplay, including getting to build your own airship which is also your base and it is easy to see why so many people who are into survival games are so hyped about this.


  • It is one of the most exciting looking survival games to be released this year
  • I am very into the sci-fi story that is being told here
  • I like how there is a whole new world under the dust
  • The building and survival mechanics look like a lot of fun


  • I do hope that the story lives up to its potential
  • It will be interesting to see how much combat there is below the dust!

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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