Gacha Plus

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a game by FemLol Studio
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Anime Games, Games with Character Creation, Game Mods, Gacha Games
Gacha Plus
Gacha Plus
Gacha Plus
Gacha Plus

Enhance your Gacha experience with Gacha Plus! This is another mod for the popular game all about making your own funky little avatars. As is the case with the other mods for this game, if you like the base game, you will like this, actually, it serves as a replacement for the base game! Anyway, I wanted to talk about this as I spent the last couple of weeks messing around with this and the other mods that are currently available and I wanted to share my thoughts on them.

Gacha Force To The Max

I am a sucker for the whole Gacha thing that Gacha Plus has going on. Just this weekend we were in our big shopping mall and there is a little section in the arcade full of Gacha machines and I spent 12 bucks on a Kirby and a Gundam Gacha machine! Anyway, this game is a mod for the awesome Gacha Club game, there are a few of these and like the others, this takes that premise and basically gives us more stuff to play around with which is what a good mod should do!

Giving You Plenty To Do

One of the reasons that Gacha Club was such a big hit was that it offered players a fun way to grow little characters and also interact with others if they wanted a social aspect to their collecting. You can take part in battles in the adventure/story mode and there are a few mini-games that you can have fun with too. Where many people get hooked on is the studio mode as here you can take your little characters and put them into a whole bunch of fun scenarios. People love to make these for their own enjoyment, but there is also a community where people share their wacky stories too.

New Bells & Whistles

Gacha Plus is basically a replacement for Gacha Club. It has all of the content that the original game has, but it gives you a ton more customization options for making your little avatar characters. It would honestly be impossible to go back to the base version as there is just so much more stuff you can make use of here. Now, adding this new stuff is great, but this mod does have a couple of issues that I feel I need to address. First of all, the game has some rather annoying load times that were not in the base version. I also had several occasions where the game crashed and shut down on me, one time even shutting down my phone!

Shiney & Bright!

I do have to say that if you are like me and get a kick out of anime and the whole over the top Japanese style, Gacha Plus is going to be a game that really does appeal to you. I love how nice and bright it all is and the game has a ton of personality. This was also true for the base, Gacha Club, but this mod has another thing that makes it better. This game runs at a higher resolution and it may not sound like it would make much of a difference, but this version of the game even if you just use the stuff from the original, looks noticeably sharper which is cool.


If you like the base game, Gacha Neon offers you more of the same, but a whole lot more stuff to play around with. On paper, this is the better version, but if I am being honest, I also tried out the Gacha Neon mod and that was great too and it ran a bit better and never once crashed on me. If you took the technical issues out of this, which may very well be fixed by the time you read this, I would say that it is pretty even between this and the other mods.


  • It gives you way more stuff for your characters
  • The game is just as much fun as the original
  • It gives you a lot to do with your little characters
  • The bump in resolution makes a big difference


  • The game does have some intrusive loading times
  • It did crash on me more than once!

Download Gacha Plus


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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