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a game by Black Tower Basement
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Best Indie Games, Funny Games, Story-Rich Games, RPGs, Pixel Art Games, Hack and Slash Games, Best Roguelike Games, Dark Humor Games, Medieval Games

Welcome, one and all, to Greedventory, a game where greed is good! Greedventory is a stunning action roleplaying game with incredible pixel-art brought to you by Nordcurrent Labs and Black Tower Basement. Ever played a game that punished you for hoarding all your slain enemies loot? Well, look away from those times and cast your gaze upon this title for it not only celebrates you collecting equipment, but it requires it. In a world where artifacts are common, you will have get your grubby little mitts on as many as you can find, and bring the fight to those trying to hoard all the power for themselves. There can be only one, so why not let it be you?


This is a sidescroller game that has you moving from left to right and absolutely slaughtering everything in your path. Greedventory has a fantastic combat style that accommodates the modern need for quick reaction times, much like what Dark Souls pushes to its audience. You will need to keep your attention clearly on the ball at all times for this, as if someone throws a bomb at you that you could have deflected and you don’t, it could be all the difference in this. Don’t get too down on yourself though, as you can expect to die A LOT in this game. It has not been designed to be very easy, and the incredible number of boss fights and enemies you’ll encounter is, frankly, staggering at times.

You will need to kill enemies and horde weapons and items in order to succeed in this game. Keep everything that you might think is useful, as many enemies have weakness to different items and you don’t want to find yourself caught out by needing a weapon you threw away ten minutes earlier.

The second part of the gameplay is comprised of traps and environmental puzzles. You will have to avoid spinning buzzsaws coming out of the ground and leaches and stuff. Its not overwhelming which is something I was pleasantly surprised to find out, but don’t, for a second, stop paying attention.


In the world of Greedventory, magic items are a common occurrence but one group of people in particular have been gathering up as many as they can find, essentially putting adventurers out of business. Its up to you to travel across this broken fantasy world and gather up your resources, increase your strength, and become the hero you never wanted to be.


The visuals to Greedventory are stunning, there is something about it remeniscient of Dragon Quest mixed with Lisa: The Painful, or even Sally Face. It’s got this amazing use of colors, character design, and art direction that games with much higher budget never get close to. I was thoroughly impressed from start to finish with how this game looks, as time, patience, and a clear attention to detail have been shown at every step.


A brilliant game and a fantastic addition to the RPG genre. If you want something a little different, this is the game to try.


  • Excellent visuals
  • Amazing multifaceted gameplay
  • Awesome music
  • Interesting story


  • This style of game is a little over done

Download Greedventory


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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