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a game by BiggestDickest
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Visual Novel, Incest Porn Games, Harem Games

With a title like Human Dairy Farm, your imagination can start to run wild with what the heck it is about. I had a few ideas, but I was pretty shocked at just how crazy the story this game was telling was. If you want a lewd game where you 100 percent play as a villain, this is the game for you. The story is super dark and kind of disturbing if I am being honest with you. However, there was just something about the game that kept me hooked, I think it was that I could not believe what I was experiencing and I wanted to see just what the heck could possibly happen next!

Mothers Milk

No, I am not talking about The Boys here, although a lewd game set in that universe would be awesome. Human Dairy Farm is a game where our main character for a lack of a better term, is freaking nuts! He was nursed by his mother way too long and ends up falling in lust with her and he thinks that people should be drinking human milk instead of cow milk. He and his mother live on a farm and she does not respond to his sexual advances as he would like also, their farm is in danger because their cows have all died.

Is This Dude For Real?

Our bat poop crazy main character that we play as in Human Dairy Farm has a great idea! He will kidnap women from the local town, impregnate them and milk them, and then sell the milk to people…. That is the plot of the whole game! How crazy is that? There is no doubt in my mind that we are playing as a 100 percent villain here. The writing is so well done that it is very descriptive and manages to get you sucked into this messed up situation. It is a brutal and kind of horrific story if I am being honest. I have read some people say that they feel it is more of a “dark humor” kind of story, if it was, I did not pick up on that.

He Is But A Mortal Messed Up Man!

When Human Dairy Farm first came out there were two routes, you could play as a regular human dude, but you could also play as a more demonic guy who had powers. The developer struggled with this and eventually asked people what route they liked best and that is what he focused on, human won out and that is the way the game ends. It is a lewd visual novel/adventure game that is not exactly deep in the gameplay. Yet, with the story being so hard hitting, I did find myself really paying attention and thinking about what I was doing.

Call The Sherrif

One thing I will say about our crazy protagonist in Human Dairy Farm is that he has a real eye for the ladies! The chicks that he kidnaps and brings to his human milking farm are all very easy on the eyes. I am a huge fan of the character renders here and the game is very generous with the lewd content. However, as it is mostly forced sex and we have these chicks hooked up to milking machines, how you feel about it is going to be a real personal thing. I can appreciate the effort here and there are certainly some very attractive character renders, but the forced sex aspect of things was a bit of a turn off. Also, with these being some of the hottest chicks in the town, how did no one notice they went missing?


Giving a game like Human Dairy Farm a score is kind of tough. On one hand, it would be so easy for me to say that the story and main character are so messed up. Yet, I think the writing was very well done and I guess the fact that the game did make me a bit uncomfortable does show that the developer did a good job telling the story they wanted to tell. On the flip side of this, if you want a power fantasy where you treat women as mere objects for your own sexual and financial gain, you will have a lot of fun with this.


  • The main character is evil and that is kind of interesting
  • I was impressed by the quality of the writing
  • There are some very attractive character renders here
  • If you want a game where you are in charge, you may like this


  • The story is so dark and messed up, that it may be hard to get through for some
  • The “demon” route felt very forced and even weirder



System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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