Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown

Download Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown and enter a world of intrigue, romance, and adventure! Make choices that shape the story and determine the fate of Leane and her kingdom. Will you claim the crown? Play now!
a game by Makura Cover Soft
Platform: PC (2020)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.5/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Visual Novel, Lewd Games, f95 Trending, Erotic RPG
Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown
Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown
Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown
Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown

While there is a 2 in the name, Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown I am coming into this with fresh eyes as I never heard of the first game before! Anyway, I was interested in this when I heard that it was a more tactics-based strategy lewd RPG and that right there sounds like it could be that perfect blend of fun, sexy, and also a solid gameplay experience.

The God Of War

In the game, we play as Ares who is a master military man and he is part of this epic war. In Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown, you find yourself betrayed horrifically and while you are in the run, you are not willing to just sneak away into the night.

I did actually find the story quite enjoyable and found myself getting attached to the characters. This was a bit of a mistake as after a few hours, the story took a real turn in a direction that I did not like and I found Ares to become a more unlikable character the more I played the game.

Thinking, Thinking, Thinking!

By the way, if you read thinking, thinking, thinking in a Macho Man Randy Savage voice, you are awesome and we can be best friends. The gameplay of Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown certainly does require you to think about what you are doing. The game has three routes for you to go down so there is a lot of replay value here if you the game gets its hooks into you. The gameplay is very strategic and there are a ton of commanders for you to make use of, each one with their own way of going about things.

You are encouraged to play around with your line up and the different generals you have at your disposal have different troops, but you can only use one at a time. This forces you to think about what you are doing will you go for archers or mages for example? The combat is quite fun and it does keep you on your toes. They have put a great deal of content in the game, but I do wonder if the game would have been better had they cut the length of the game by a quarter.

Soft And Smooth

I found the visual style of Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown to be very appealing. The game has a very Japanese look to it and it is one that I do like. There are some great-looking characters in this game and there are plenty of XXX scenes that you can unlock as you play although the direction these take towards the back end of the game may not be to my personal style. The battle system is pretty cool in that you have the character portraits, a little battle scene, and then your list of actions in the middle.

There is a bit of voice acting in the game, actually, there is more voice acting here than many other similar style games offer and it is pretty solid. The whole soundtrack of the game along with the voices are all quite fitting to the stuff that is taking place.


I was kind of shocked to see that Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown has so much hate flying around about it. To be fair, this seems to be mainly due to the direction that the story takes which I do kind of get. Still, as a tactics-based lewd game, I must say that this is very well made, and while the story may start out strong and go in a direction that I myself did not 100 percent care for, I still have to say this is a well-made and competent game.


  • The story starts out very strong
  • I love the very Japanese look that the game has
  • The combat is a great deal of fun
  • I liked the way the game looks in general
  • The voice acting that is here is well done


  • Many people do not like the way the main character turns out
  • The game is perhaps a bit too long for its own good

Download Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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