Lego Star Wars: The Video Game

Download LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and relive the epic saga in a whole new way! Play as your favorite characters and explore iconic locations, all with the humor and charm of the LEGO universe. With engaging gameplay and creative puzzles, this is a must-play for fans of Star Wars and LEGO alike. Play now!
a game by Amaze Entertainment
Genre: Action
Platforms: XBox, PC (2005), Playstation 2, GBA (2005)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 7.1/10 - 41 votes
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See also: Lego Video Games, 2024 Movies, All Star Wars Games, Lego Star Wars Games

While not the first Lego game, I would argue that Lego Star Wars the Video Game is the game that started the franchise on the role that it is on now. As I write this there are five Lego Star Wars games with a sixth one due to be released! This franchise is massive and as someone who loves Star Wars and loves Lego this game was the perfect mix for me and I feel it holds up pretty well to this day.

The Next Episode

The story of the game is actually a three-peat. By that I mean you get to play through the Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. Despite what many people say, I like the prequel trilogy! Lego Star Wars the Video Game gives each of the three movies its own space in the game. You start with The Phantom Menace and once you are there, you then have to play through a series of chapters.

Lego Star Wars the Video Game follows the events of the movies pretty well. There is no voice acting in this game like there is with modern Lego games. However, they get the story across in the cut scenes very well and the game overall has a ton of personality to it.

Messa So Pretty!

The visuals of the game hold up very well. I will say that the more modern Lego games look far sharper, but that is to be expected. The real joy about these games is that everything in the game world is made from Lego. All of the characters from Anakin to Jar Jar to Yoda look fantastic in the game and there is never any point when you do not know who someone is supposed to be.

As well as looking good, Lego Star Wars the Video Game also sounds great too. It features many pieces of music from the movies and I love the sound effects of the lightsabers and blasters too. Let’s not forget that awesome sound of Lego breaking or being built. I do wish that they had included voice acting, but I can deal with it.

Come On Everybody, You Can All Play

A huge appeal of the Lego video games is that they can be enjoyed by anyone no matter their age or skill level of playing video games. Each level is pretty structured. You will be attacking enemies and solving simple puzzles to move the story forward. You will also have to deal with boss battles too. I would say that pretty much anyone can beat this game.

However, the “challenge” comes from getting all of the stuff. There are a ton of characters to unlock, mini kits to find, and a ranking system of reach level where you collect a large number of studs. Certain characters have different abilities to ranging from using the force to using a blaster. The Lego games are just a lot of fun to play, yes you could argue they are mindless, but they are mindless fun.

So far as I write this the only game in the core Lego games series, I have not really enjoyed is The Lego Movie 2. Apart from that, I have had a great time with every game in the series and it all started here with Lego Star Wars the Video Game. I will admit that the later games are much better than this and, in all honesty, you are far better playing the Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga than this. However, I cannot overlook just how much of an important game this was. Plus, while the later Lego games and Lego Star Wars games, in particular, are better, this one here is still a fun time.


Final Score


  • Features all the iconic scenes from each of the prequels
  • Lots of awesome characters to play as
  • This is a game that anyone can enjoy
  • It has a great sense of humor
  • The sound design is amazing


  • The later Lego Star Wars games do kind of make this irrelevant
  • I wish it had some voice acting

Download Lego Star Wars: The Video Game


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Playstation 2

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Plastic Fantastic

What you get for your money are the first three films (including the imminent Episode III finale), rendered entirely in LEGO. All the characters, all the fights, all the battles, all the action. From young Anakin flying podracers in Episode I, to the massed Jedi fighting the droid army in Episode Il's arena, to... well, let's not spoil any of the Episode III action. Not every scene is there, but enough of the story gets played out to get the basic gist across. All with sufficent doses of LEGO humour to keep things moving. Mostly the game is played out on foot, with occasional flying/ riding sequences being used to break the pace up. You take on the personalities of various characters, usually with an Al partner in tow, and with the option of switching between roles at will through a sort of mind-swap affair. This is a mechanic that lends itself to various puzzles and situations throughout the game, such as doors require you to momentarily inhabit the servos of R2-D2 to activate, or objects need to be manipulated with the Force by Obi-Wan. At all times you're pretty much battling through wave after wave of bad guys in a manner similar to the old Golden Axe style, either lightsabering their limbs off, blasting them to bits, or using the Force. All the while you're collecting 'studs' and exploring the meticulously crafted world for hidden extras.

Other than the brilliant sense of humour on display - the developer really playing with the whole concept of seeing beloved Star Wars characters in toy form, even to the extent of making Jar Jar Binks seem acceptable - one of the best aspects of the whole game is this concept of collectability. As you unlock levels, you're rewarded with key characters to use in Free Play mode, the part of the game that lets you revisit completed levels with different characters to find hidden bonuses.

Each level contains hidden LEGO bonuses', mostly building bricks for various Star Wars vehicles. As you build your collection you can examine your hard-won gains in the midlevel cantina' holding area.

The other key aspect is the drop-in/drop-out nature of the two-player game. Because each level sees you playing with two or more characters, simply plugging in a second joypad (and joypads are really essential for getting the most out of the thing) and hitting P2 Start lets you play in co-op mode. It works a treat too, especially for some of the more climactic boss battles such as the one with Darth Maul at the end of Episode I.

There's absolutely no doubting that to play, LEGO Star Wars is a blast. The kind of game that slaps a big, dopey grin on your face from the moment you start, keeps it there throughout and leaves it there for a good few hours after you finish. Except that the grin actually lasts longer than the game does. Yeah, that's right, you can see what's coming as clearly as if it were wearing a great big sign above its head. A flashing sign with neon lettering, followed by an even bigger sign pointing out the first one's existence just to be sure you don't miss it. I hate having to write it. You're going to hate having to read it. But it's unavoidable, so we'd better all just grit our teeth, get through it as quickly as we can then meet on the other side for a quick debrief and a pint to console ourselves. Ready? Here goes: as much as we all absolutely love the concept at work here, as well as the execution, the sheer fact that from an actual gaming perspective there's almost little (if any) proper challenge and that you can feasibly complete the whole game - including bonuses - in less than a day simply has to count against it. Hence the lack of any shiny award logos anywhere on these three pages.

Jedi Mind Bricks

It's a ride, pure and simple, which is no bad thing, but at 30 of your English pounds, it's a hell of a steep price to pay for such a limited amount of fun -however joyous that fun may be while it lasts.

However, we're not going to leave it there. This is a message direct to Traveller's Tales, to Eidos (or whoever owns them by the time you read this), to LEGO, to everyone involved with the game - YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE NEXT THREE CHAPTERS. Have to, have to, have to.

LEGO Star Wars is simply the best damned gaming concept we've played in this godforsaken industry since time began. But - and it's a big but, a huge but, the kind of a but that takes up two seats on the Tube and still presses uncomfortably against your thigh whenever the carriage jolts - please, please, please don't feel as though you need to dumb things down for kids. Kids are sophisticated these days, more than most of us. Kids are smart. Kids want to feel like grown-ups. Kids know where it's at, while most of us are still left wondering what exactly it' is and why we can't get a more comfortable version with lower-back support.

Lego Of Your Feelings

So, just to recapwhat we're saying. Make the damn sequel. Episodes IV, V and VI (you know you already are), but expand those horizons. Don't change the style - we may already have mentioned once or twice that the style's perfect. Just make more of it. Make it harder, more of a challenge, more of a game. Add some multiplayer modes beyond two-player co-op, include more of each film in there, really play with the whole LEGO/building bricks/Force thing (no pun intended). We're not exaggerating when we say that you came very close to making one of the best games of all time here, Traveller's Tales. Very, very close. And you've still got one life left. For god's sake, don't throw it away.

It Could Have Been Even Wonderfuller...

Lucascorp is pretty touchy about unauthorised usage of Star Wars intellectual property and all, but surely a bonus area where you can buy boxes of bricks and/or blueprints and then build whatever takes your fancy might have been nice? There's very little missing from the LEGO Star Wars experience, but some multiplayer deathmatch action to accompany the two-player co-op could have worked too. Something along the lines of old Dreamcast multiplayer combat classic Power Stone? We moan about games lacking co-op modes for years, now we get one and start asking for competitive modes. No pleasing some people.

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait. And Those Who Rabidly Collect Lego Bricks...

We're not ones for ruining things, not often anyway, so we're not going to let on what the secret bonus levels are should you complete the game and collect enough LEGO goodies. What we can tell you though, is that it's bloody brilliant. It made us scream and shout. It reminded us more than ever of why we love Star Wars and why we love LEGO. And, in a funny way, it also made us feel bad. Evil, even.

Snapshots and Media

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Playstation 2 Screenshots

GBA Screenshots

See Also

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