Lust Doll

Download Lust Doll and show off your RPG skills in an old school style XXX lewd game. This is a lewd RPG that feels like it is from a bygone age. However, the epic sex scenes and sexy characters will make sure you stay on the right track!
a game by Indivi
Platform: PC (2015)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 2 reviews, 1 review is shown
User Rating: 8.6/10 - 7 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Adult RPG, Erotic RPG
Lust Doll
Lust Doll
Lust Doll
Lust Doll

One of the most interesting aspects of Lust Doll is that this whole game was made with RPG Maker. I am usually a bit skeptical of games made in this way, but what we have here is a game that has clearly had a lot of time, love and dedication spent on it. As is the case with any lewd game, sex plays a massive role in this game so if that is not your thing, walkaway!

Who Am I?

I would not say that the story we have is the strongest, but that is not really the point of the game. Lust Doll is set in a post-apocalyptic world where you awaken in a strange kind of pod (think of it like things humans are kept inside in The Matrix) when it opens you are free to explore this strange world. You have no idea who you are, where you are from or what has happened to you!

Your Character, Your Way

The way you create a character in Lust Doll is done very well. You have a ton of choices available to you at the start of the game so you can make your dream girl or guy, although the game is clearly aimed more towards you playing as a female. You have plenty of clothing options and the game also lets you pick what “kinks” you are into. This is something the game does very well so if there is something you are not into you can decide not to have it show up. I do like this and think more sex games should do this.

Keep Moving Forward.

One of the things that I like about this game is the progression. It is an RPG, but rather than just controlling a character walking around a fully realized world, it has a “grid” system. Here you do need to use your imagination, but this world is quite large and there are many different areas for you to explore. The game has a great XP and stat system and when you improve your stats in the different categories you always feel that your character is improving. This is an aspect of Lust Doll that is handled very, very well.

As you play the game you can talk to characters and of course, take part in combat. Everything that happens in the game, even combat is fast. It does happen at quite a quick pace so the game never really overstays its welcome. The only aspect that bugs me is the way it is so hard to get money. Actually, getting money is way more of a grind than getting your stats up!

Overall, I think that Lust Doll is one of the more interesting lewd games I have played using RPG Maker. It has some very good ideas and while it may be lacking in terms of the narrative. I think the way you are always moving forward will keep you invested to keep playing the game, improving your character and getting it on as much as possible.

Final Score: 8/10


  • The game has an interesting premise
  • I like the way it has an old school RPG feel to it
  • This world is pretty damn big
  • The way you can turn certain kinks on and off is good
  • The characters when on-screen look good


  • The grind for money can be a bit much
  • The story is rather bare-bones

Download Lust Doll


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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