Men of War 2

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a game by Best Way
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Strategy Games, Top Down Games, Isometric Games, PvP Games, Best RTS Games, Military Games, WW2 Games, Men of War Series
Men of War 2
Men of War 2
Men of War 2
Men of War 2

It is kind of weird just how excited I am for Men of War 2. The first game along with its expansions were games that I enjoyed, but they were super hard to get into and demanded a lot of dedication from the player to get good at them. However, this game is saying all of the right things and from what I have seen so far, this looks like it could be one of the best RTS games of 2022, especially those that are set during World War II.

Both Fronts Of The War

What has probably gotten me the most excited about Men of War 2 is the fact that there is both an Allies and Soviets campaign to play through that takes you from the uncertainty of the early days of the war all the way to the march on Berlin. It sounds like fantastic stuff and this series is known for its dedication to realism so if you are a history buff, there is a lot to like about what the campaign is offering.

That Classic RTS Action!

As far as the core gameplay of Men of War 2 goes, it looks like they have spent most of the time building upon what they already had established in the previous games. They have said that this game has a much more aggressive and smart AI that I think may make some people very excited and other people run for the hills, especially if they had a hard time getting into the previous games. I like how there are more units and specialties to make use of here and think that it is going to add an extra layer of strategic thinking to the gameplay.

Taking Control!

While at first glance this may look like your typical RTS style of game. Men of War 2 gives you so many ways that you can go about leading your army to victory. You can decide to go all guns blazing and try to win your battles by force, you can lay ambushes, attack from the air, and so on. If you fail with one strategy, trying out a new one and seeing how that goes I think is part of the fun. You can also take direct control of any one unit at a time if you want a bit more hands on control and to lead a certain unit to somewhere in the battle you feel that they will be of more use.

Side By Side Or Across From Each Other

While I will more than likely be dedicating most of my time in Men of War 2 to the single player campaigns. There is also a very robust multiplayer mode on offer here in this game. Of course, you can go head-to-head with your buddies or random folks online, I can tell you know if you are dealing with a 60 year old Scotsman, you are probably playing against my dad! However, you can also team up and take on the AI, I think having both co-op and vs multiplayer modes is pretty damn awesome.


While I am not a massive fan of the previous games, I did play them and enjoy them for what they were. However, I think that with Men of War 2 they are really building upon the elements of what I liked about the first game and the expansions that followed. I do think that it looks like it once again is not going to be for those who are not willing to put in the time. However, as a guy that loves history and enjoys RTS games, I think this game looks fantastic.


  • I love how there are two campaigns
  • It has a real cinematic flair going on and is trying to be as historically accurate as possible
  • You can play with or against a friend
  • There are new units and more control over your soldiers


  • Once again, this is a tough and demanding game
  • Will it have a hard barrier of entry like the last game?

Download Men of War 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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