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a game by TALLBOYS
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Psychological Horror Games, Mystery Games, Best Detective Games

The gaming world is no stranger to odd games. Militsioner however, may be the strangest game you’ve ever come across. The game opens in a city where you are apparently a criminal. Speak with an NPC, and it’ll be obvious they hate you for your crimes.

This however, isn’t the weird part of the game. The weird part is the giant policeman that towers over the city, watching you at all times. Oh—and you can strike up a conversation with him too if you want.

Voice communication

The game uses your real voice to communicate with the characters in the game, and the developers have spent a great deal of time making communication as natural as possible. The AI can detect context, and they’ve tested it strenuously in the hopes of keeping it from making stupid mistakes.

While AI has its limits, the giant policeman does a pretty good job of responding appropriately, at least in the demo video provided by developers.

Other options may become available

It’s not always convenient to play a game where audibly talking to it is required. If you’re a late night parent gamer or simply don’t fancy talking to your computer, the developer is working on adding alternatives. This may come in the form of being able to type your answers in, or possibly a dialogue format.

At this point in the development of the game it’s too early to tell which if any will be used, but there is a rumor that a demo will be available soon for people to test it all out for themselves.

Meaning of the game unknown

A giant policeman towering over all is a rather strange way to open a game, but it hasn’t stopped people from guessing as to what the meaning behind it is. Some people think it’s a representation of ‘Big brother’ towering over all, but there’s also the chance that it’s just a weird story about a giant policeman too. The game gives off distinct City 17 vibes, with the game being set in the same era, and the same feeling of an imposing overseer being absolutely everywhere. If possible, Militsioner is even more direct than City 17 however, with a literal pair of eyes on you wherever you go.

The game is largely about escaping that policeman without him noticing or raising his ire. Make him angry or catch his attention in any special way and his giant hand will descend on you and grab you. The game is a delicate balance between jail and yet lacking the freedom to leave, when that is all you ant to do.

Release date unknown

Militsioner is yet to be released, and the developers say they are a long way from actually releasing it. Since the demo hasn’t released yet, we can expect a long wait time before finally being able to play the game.


This game is a bit hard to judge due in part to its very strangeness. It could be a great game or a huge flop, but more time will be needed to know for certain.


  • Interesting concept
  • Voice activated


  • Strange premise may not be for everyone

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Snapshots and Media

PC Screenshots

See Also

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