My Cute Roommate 2

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a game by Astaros3d
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 7.8/10, based on 3 reviews, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 8.7/10 - 11 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Visual Novel
My Cute Roommate 2
My Cute Roommate 2
My Cute Roommate 2

I must admit that it took me a while into My Cute Roommate 2 because I went into the game expecting one kind of story and it was actually something else. The synopsis of this game that you will find online is pretty much wrong! That threw me off when I started the game, but eventually, I managed to roll with it as I just embraced how ridiculous the whole thing was and I did have some fun with it all. If you want a deep and engaging story in your lewd game, this is not for you. If you want something dumb, but with a lot of sex appeal, you will have fun with this game.

A Stranger In A Foreign Land

I am not sure what the heck went on with the story in My Cute Roommate 2! The synopsis makes it sound like you are going to have some kind of thing going on with an estranged cousin. That was not the story I experienced at all so I am not sure if the developer switched gears during development as the story is about you moving abroad and trying to fit in, in your new surroundings which feature a bunch of giant racked hotties!

It Has To Be An Act!

I can see why some people hate the story that My Cute Roommate 2 is telling. However, if you just go with it and laugh at the absurdity of it, you can actually have a really good time with this. The main character in this game is a freaking moron, we are talking Forrest Gump… actually scratch that he is more like Officer Doofy from the Scary Movie series! I get why some people hate a protagonist like this, but I just laughed at it.

That Magic Stick

Visually, My Cute Roommate 2 is pretty damn solid. You have some excellent looking character renders here and I liked how each girl had her own “thing” that she was into. There is a decent selection of XXX scenes for you to work your way towards. While the animations in the sex scenes are pretty short, they are done well and I thought they were done so well that it kept me playing the game wanting to see the next one.

Always On The Right Path

As far as lewd visual novel games/lewd sandbox games go, My Cute Roommate 2 is decent enough. There is certainly nothing here that is going to make you say wow, but at the very least there is not much if any grinding you have to worry about here, and the story always seem to move in the right direction no matter what you do. I got a kick out of how the main character was a complete moron and without any real redeeming personality traits, but because of what he had between his legs the ladies were powerless against him!


Is My Cute Roommate 2 the best lewd game that I have played? Heck no, this would not even be in the conversation. However, due to how dumb the main character was and the unashamed slutty nature of the majority of the female characters, I had some fun with this game and found it to be a mainly positive experience. It is not the kind of game I am going to go rushing back to, but as a one and done kind of game, I have certainly played much worse.


  • The game is dumb, but that made it more fun for me
  • It has some excellent character renders
  • The sex scenes happened at a decent rate
  • It is a great game if you want something easy to play through


  • The synopsis for the game is nothing like what it actually is!
  • The whole game while fun, is pretty forgettable

Download My Cute Roommate 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

My Cute Roommate 2 is a very interesting game to talk about! What we have going on here is a lewd sandbox style of game, Well, it is more of a lewd visual novel with a bit of exploration, but you know what I mean! I ended up playing all the way through this. I had no idea what was going on most of the time, but I had one hell of a time with this thanks to the incredible character renders and XXX scenes that were being thrown my way. This is the kind of lewd game that lacks substance, but it more than makes up for it with its style!

That Is Not The Story!

The most incredible thing about My Cute Roommate 2 is the story. Not because it is this well written masterpiece with amazing characters that are all complex in their own way and have interwinding stories with each other. No, what makes this interesting is that the synopsis the developer has given for this game is not the story that is told! It is not even freaking close! I have played lewd games where the story ends up being different in tone from what I thought it would be from the premise, but this is the first time I have played a game like this where the premise has nothing to do with the actual story I experienced in the game!

So What Is The Story?

The premise of the story sounded kind of interesting, but what we have here is one of the dumbest MCs I have ever played as! However, rather than seeing that as a negative, it was actually funny as hell. This guy is a freaking moron and the poor translation just made every encounter this guy ended up being in so odd and awkward that I just ate it all up. Of course, he has the biggest schlong in the land so all of the chicks here want to ride it! Oh, and the women in this world all have the slut factor ramped up to about 10 which is hilarious too!

Please, Give Me Some More

Ok, so the story being told here makes next to no sense and you have no idea who most of the characters in My Cute Roommate 2 are or what their motivations are. However, this game looks amazing! Every one of the female characters in this game is a perfect 10! The developer did an amazing job here as they all walk that fine line between cute and sexy. There is also a decent amount of XXX scenes in the game too and these have animation! I liked how we get a mixture of the girls having sex with our big dicked moron MC as well as some solo stuff too.

Getting Where You Need To Go

While you can click around different areas and decide where you want to go in My Cute Roommate 2, I would still say that it has more visual novel style gameplay than sandbox style gameplay. Most of the stuff that moves the incoherent story along is done by picking what you say and do with the girls. Even though I had no idea what was going on for the most part, I always seemed to end up at a lewd scene or with a chick wearing hardly any clothes so it is not like the game is making you work hard for the XXX stuff which is a good thing in my eyes!

Final Score: 8/10 (pretty much based on the visuals)

My Cute Roommate 2 is a very interesting lewd game. If someone were to play this for ten minutes and then tell me that they hated it and they never wanted to play it again, I would not have an argument as to how they were wrong. However, I had a lot of fun with this, I just embraced the fact that this made absolutely zero sense and that the guy we were playing as was a complete idiot! One thing I will say that is undeniable is the visuals!


This is such a great looking game and the XXX content that you get is awesome and more than enough reason to at the very least give the game a try.


  • All of the ladies in this game are stunning
  • The scene where you bang the woman bent over the desk is epic!
  • I felt like it was very generous with how it dished out the XXX scenes
  • I got a kick out of how dumb all of the characters were


  • I always ended up with the XXX content so I am not sure how good the choices are
  • This story is pretty much impossible to follow, especially if you expect it to be like the description!

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See Also

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