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a game by Axan Gray
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Best Indie Games, Racing Games, Arcade Games, Parkour Games, Futuristic Racing Games

I think that “funky” is probably the best way to describe what Neodash is all about. This is a racing game, but I am having a hard time thinking of another racing game that is similar to this. As of me writing this, there is no actual release date for the game given just yet, but it is expected to be completed at some point in 2022. Today, we are putting on your seatbelt and taking a look at what this high octane racing game is all about.

There Is No Reverse

I have to say that Neodash is a racing game with more than a few gimmicks, but the first one I want to address is the fact that you always have to be moving forward. This is the case for most racing games to be fair, but here it is especially important as the track is disappearing behind you as you race forward, it encourages you to drive fast and drift around every corner.

Racing To The Beat

When you watch the trailer, you can get a small taste of the epic electronic soundtrack that Neodash has. It is awesome and it fits the bright and neon colors perfectly. The twist here is that the soundtrack is more than just something to get you pumped up while you are racing. The environment will react to the beat which is pretty damn awesome and I am sure the kind of thing we cannot truly appreciate until we have played the game for ourselves.

The King Of The Track

While not a ton of details have been given just yet, we do know that there is a full single player campaign for you to get into. Neodash also will have a fun progression/unlock system as well with new parts for your car that you can unlock as you progress through the game. I like the design of the cars; they have a kind of Rocket League thing about them which I think is pretty cool. I do wonder if the campaign will just be an endless run of races or if there will be some kind of story to it. As this game has a sci-fi vibe to it, I do hope that there is a story.

Playing With The Community

I am really liking the sound of the multiplayer aspect of Neodash. You can play against other people of course, but there is a track creator and you can share tracks with other players which is something that I think is very cool. The community mode also lets you rate other players tracks too which on one hand sounds cool, but there are a lot of jerks out there who could ruin a feature like this!


While they have not exactly given out a ton of information about Neodash just yet, I think there is a lot to like about this game. From the awesome music and the funky neon visuals, it is a game that is very easy on the eyes and ears. I like the arcade style racing and how you always have to keep ahead of the track before it falls apart behind you! I think this could be one of the cooler and more interesting racing games of 2022.


  • I love the whole electronic music thing they have going on here
  • I love these flashy Tron like visuals
  • The way the track disintegrates behind you is cool
  • You can make your own tracks


  • I do wonder about what the campaign will be like
  • Will some trolls end up spoiling the community mode feature?

Download Neodash


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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