Night is Coming

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a game by Wild Forest Studio
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Best Indie Games, Building Games, City Building Games, RPGs, Survival Games, Top Down Games, Isometric Games
Night is Coming
Night is Coming
Night is Coming
Night is Coming

Another cool looking survival game that is coming in 2022 is Night is Coming. Slavic mythology is so cool and the fact that the story and setting of this game are based around that is something I think is very cool. It has many of the same gameplay elements that you find in your typical survival style of game. However, I do think that the fantasy setting and awesome world that they have created here more than makes it stand out from the many other survival games that have been released in 2022.

In The Cold And The Dark

What has really gotten me excited about Night is Coming is the setting. As I said this is based on Slavic mythology, specifically the Carpathian region so it has a very cool mountain/woods style of setting that is just perfect for a fantasy style story. From what I have been able to gather, the story has us trying to lead our people to a good life, but in this harsh brutal world, monsters and the elements have other ideas.

Managing Your Settlement

As is the case with most survival style games, Night is Coming has you building a settlement. As well as building the settlement, you have to manage it as well. You can improve your buildings, learn how to make them better and of course maintain them. There is a lot of depth here, but it never seems too overwhelming in my humble opinion. While I like the look of the settlement building and management, it is the people management that has me most excited about the gameplay.

Each Person Is Their Own Person!

You have a large number of settlers to look after in Night is Coming and each one of them is going to need some attention to make sure that they are not just surviving, but also playing a part in making sure your settlement is doing good. Each person has their own needs that need to be met and you can teach them various skills so that they can be of a better benefit to the group. You can also get these heroes that will come to your settlement. These heroes will teach you things and they will also be willing to fight and protect your group as well.

The Monsters Always Come!

You have to make sure that your settlement is well protected as you play the game! There will always be attacks from monsters in Night is Coming and they get stronger and stronger the longer you play the game. Fortifications to protect your settlement are a must, but inevitably, combat is going to happen. Getting a hero do to some of the work for you is great, but you have to make sure that your people are ready to fight and that people are in the right positions when an attack comes!


I truly do think that this game has something very special about it. If you like these types of survival games then I think there is a great deal for you to sink your teeth into here. I for one, love the setting and the story that Night is Coming is telling and I hope that it manages to live up to the potential of the epic setting that they have for it. The game has a great look to and there is always something for you to be working on or trying to fix or fight! If you want a game that is going to keep you busy for a long time, this is it!


  • I love the Slavic mythology setting that the game has
  • It has some very interesting looking creatures and monsters
  • There are a lot of things for you to build and manage in the game
  • I think the people/hero management this game has is very interesting


  • There may be a bit too much for some people to keep an eye on
  • There is always the worry that the story may not be as epic as its premise

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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