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a game by Geography of Robots
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Pixel Art Games, Mystery Games, Best Detective Games, Point-and-Click Quests, Best Games of the Year 2022, Dystopian Games

It is games like NORCO that make me feel like we are living in a real golden age when it comes to the point and click adventure. The term that they are using for this is “Southern Gothic” and that right there was more than enough to pique my interest in this sci-fi adventure story that they are telling. It has a real 90s PC vibe going and it has the kind of look that makes you think it could be some kind of long-lost game from a company like Lucas Arts.

“Haunted By The Past And Threatened By The Future”

That is one of the descriptions that the developers have used when describing the story that NORCO is telling. The game takes place down south in Louisiana and you have recently lost your mother, but if that is not bad enough, your brother has now gone missing. You along with some strange companions that you pick up along the way, including a smart Alec android go on a quest to find your brother that soon turns into something with stakes that could change the whole landscape of the world as we know it! This is sci-fi at its best and if the demo is anything to go by, we are in for a real treat with this game.

The South Will Rise Again

Man a 2001 Maniacs reference, that may be my most obscure reference yet! Anyway, the pixel art that makes up NORCO really is something special. This dank and depressing Southern USA is brought to life here in immense detail considering the art style that they have gone for. From the decaying suburbs of New Orleans, an old abandoned mall, and refineries, this is not the Southern USA that we know today. The animation and the whole presentation of the game in general, really does make this feel like you are playing through an interactive movie.

Clicking And Clacking

I think that it is safe to say that if you have played any kind of point and click adventure style game before that you will feel right at home with NORCO. You will go from screen to screen, talking to characters, interacting with items, solving puzzles, and so on. It is your typical point and click adventure style of game, but it has a great deal of polish to the gameplay. I have spent a considerable amount of time with the demo and I found the whole UI to be very intuitive and easy to figure out. I do not think it makes a difference what you experience is with games of this style as it is very easy to get to grips with.


As I just touched upon above, NORCO does have a free demo that you can check out on STEAM and I highly recommend that you do. I would wager a large percentage of people will try out that demo, get hooked, and then want to play the full game. I am a big fan of point and click style adventure games, but even if I was not, the story and the amazing pixel art visuals would have been enough to get me interested in this game.


  • I really like the story that they are telling here
  • You sure as hell come across some very interesting characters
  • I like the pixel art style graphics
  • The UI and the gameplay, in general, are very easy to get to grips with


  • I do wonder how long the game will be
  • I am also not sure if there will be much replay value here once you have seen the story through to its conclusion

Download NORCO


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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