Parasitic Evil

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a game by R's
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 5 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Adult Puzzle Games
Parasitic Evil
Parasitic Evil
Parasitic Evil
Parasitic Evil

With an attention grabbing title like Parasitic Evil, I was very excited to check this one out. The good news for those of you who are on the fence about this lewd action game is that they offer a free demo that lets you play the first part of the game so you can get a good idea if this is for you or not. I would say that it has elements of survival horror, puzzle solving, and of course, lots of wild and crazy XXX stuff going on too.

The Worst Place To Be

The story of Parasitic Evil gave me some major Deja Vue as I was playing it. I was trying to figure it out and then it hit me, the first Resident Evil movie! The setting is a hospital where some pretty gnarly experiments are being done. We play those who have been left behind stuck in this hospital that is now overrun with all kinds of mutated creatures and we need to find a way out of here before it is too late. It is not too deep, but it is fun stuff and I liked how it makes you feel like survival is far from guaranteed.

Thinking Before You Shoot!

They say that Parasitic Evil is a survival horror kind of game and when I started playing the game, I did not agree with this as I was just running and gunning down monsters. However, there is actually a layer of strategy to this game that makes it a very interesting game to play. You need to find items and think about when and where to use them. While at first, I was just shooting anything that moved. I soon realized that sometimes thinking first and trying to sneak around or trying to cover my tracks so that I could not be found was a better strategy than just trying to shoot something in the face.

Creepy In The Dark!

Before I get to the lewd content that Parasitic Evil has, I have to talk about the general look the game has. I was surprised at the sizes of the characters, these are much larger than you usually see in a game like this and the monsters are creepy too. However, what I really like about the visuals is perhaps what some people will not and that is how dark the game is. It uses darkness to hide things and make things more tense and it certainly worked for me. Yet, I can also see why some people may say that some parts of the game are too dark and it is hard to see.

A Little Bit Of Interactivity!

The lewd content in Parasitic Evil is awesome! The game has these nice and large XXX scenes that have some fantastic animation. What I loved about these scenes is that we do not just sit there and watch them, do not get me wrong, we can do that if we want. But, what makes the XXX stuff in this game so much fun is that the game lets you play porn director a bit as you get to control the XXX scenes to a degree.

The characters look great and some of the scenes are rather cinematic. For example, you are banging a chick, but then there is a smaller screen that shows you enjoying her big boobs at the same time!


I was very impressed with Parasitic Evil and I hope that this turns out to be a big hit. It was released right at the end of the year so I hope people give this one a chance. I am a huge horror fan and I love it when I get a cool horror game that has some pretty damn epic lewd content in it too! The survival horror gameplay is fun as you can tackle things in different ways and there were more than a few sections that made me think about how I was doing things.


  • I thought the hospital setting was creepy
  • The character designs are very well done
  • It has some challenging, but fun survival horror gameplay
  • The interactive XXX scenes are awesome


  • Some scenes are perhaps a tad on the dark side
  • A bit more ammo would be nice!

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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