Payday 3

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a game by Overkill Software
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 2 reviews
User Rating: 9.3/10 - 3 votes
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See also: First Person Shooter Games, Co-op Games, Multiplayer Games, Payday Series
Payday 3
Payday 3
Payday 3

We are sure that as a child or even as an adult that wouldn’t mind a windfall of cash. That you have had some fleeting daydreams about robbing a bank. A bank heist is something that many dunderheads try but reality, only the most skilled and meticulous planners will be able to pull off a job like this. You’ll need to leave no stone unturned, move with precision, know the layout of your targeted bank, have a crack team of Certified Professionals who know what they have to do and most importantly, you’ll need an exit strategy. Payday is a series that lets you live this daydream out and Payday 3 promises to be the most intricate and intense installment in the series yet.

This game plays like other FPS shooters such as Team Fortress, Half-Life, Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead and Back 4 Blood. However, has a theme that is more in touch with the popular series, Money Heist. This title aims to take the already stellar crime series to new heights but will this be yet another Payday for the developers? We find out in our review of the upcoming title, Payday.

Money Makes The World Go Around

Firstly, lets begin with the story here. With this series, you don’t really get a narrative experience. Instead you get scenarios and levels that act as their own sandboxes which you must master one by one. Much like the modern Hitman series in many ways. However, what we do know is that this iteration will take place in New York this time around. So you can expect to take on some of the most tricky jobs you can imagine. However, the higher the stakes, the bigger the rewards.

Then as for the visuals. They look very promising indeed. This game will use the Unreal 4 engine to deliver this game’s visuals. It was initially set to be the Valhalla engine. However, this idea was scrapped and quite frankly, it seems to have been a great plan. The initial screenshots and media available look sharp as ever and the masked goons look very impressive against the photo realistic backdrop of the Big Apple. There is still a lot to be proven here but initial signs are good.

Then as for gameplay, we predict some additions rather than changes. We assume that some fun new mechanics and quirks will be added. However, the core gameplay will ultimately remain the same. Which means meticulous planning, fast paced heists and intense shootouts when it all hits the fan. Honestly, we love the intricate details and the stealthier options. Yet, we wouldn’t have it any other way than engaging in bullet storm after bullet storm.

The Verdict

If the first two games in the series are anything to go by, then we can say with some confidence that this one will be a smash hit.


The gunplay and core mechanics will be sound, the visuals look like they will be a step up in quality and the new setting is appreciated. This series is an exciting one and we can’t wait for the next instalment.


  • A visual step up
  • Gameplay will remain largely the same
  • New setting to enjoy


  • Doesn’t release until 2023

Download Payday 3


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Payday 3 marks the long-awaited return of the popular co-op heist shooter series. Slipping back into the roles of the infamous Payday crew, players embark on elaborate robberies and over-the-top shootouts across New York City. With expanded RPG mechanics and emphasised player choice, Payday 3 doubles down on the strategic, cinematic heisting that made its predecessors cult classics. Though it sticks closely to the formula, the sheer variety of jobs and character customization make this an addicting co-op experience for FPS fans. I had a blast pulling off clever heists with friends, though some technical issues hampered the experience.

After years in retirement, the Payday gang reunites to face a dangerous new threat roused by their past reign of terror. Moving operations from DC to NYC, you'll take on an array of heists ranging from tense bank robberies to explosive armored car assaults. With its flashy gunplay and elaborate multi-stage jobs, Payday 3 recaptures the strategic, cinematic thrills that defined the series. Approaching each heist your way proves immensely fun, even if the barebones story fails to innovate much on the predecessors.

Planning the Perfect Heist

At its core, Payday 3 focuses on co-op FPS heist scenarios emphasising tactical teamwork. Case your target, gather intel and tools, and coordinate with your crew to get the job done efficiently. The improved pre-planning phase is particularly great, letting you meticulously prepare. While similar to previous titles, the expanded RPG progression and loadout customization make fine-tuning your approach even more critical. Compared to Counter-Strike Global Offensive, having broader playstyles and character growth deepens the strategic experience. No two heists ever play out the same.

Executing Epic Jobs

Of course, no plan ever survives first contact. Once you're boots-on-the-ground, Payday 3's moment-to-moment shooting and evasion gameplay shines. Navigating each phase of the heist, balancing stealth and aggression, provides an awesome co-op challenge. Shootouts feel crunchy and satisfying, especially once you unlock more weapon skills. My main gripe comes from occassional lag and disconnects during online co-op, which hampered an otherwise smooth experience. Still, successfully pulling off clever heists stands out as incredibly rewarding.

Customizing Your Criminal

Earning cash and XP from jobs lets you unlock new gear and unique skills that fundamentally change your playstyle. Combined with the deep weapon mod system, the expansive progression options let you finely craft your ideal criminal. The four playable characters offer even more variety. While not as extensive as something like GTA Online, the sense of growth and customization makes your heister feel truly unique. My only wish was for more options to further stand apart in co-op, like costumes and banners.

Review: 8/10

In the end, Payday 3 lives up to its name by delivering another stellar co-op heist shooter layered with strategic depth. The thrill of perfectly executing elaborate jobs with friends remains unmatched. Though it plays things fairly safe, with some minor technical issues, Payday 3's hugely expanded progression and customization make this the most replayable entry yet.


Payday 3 confidently returns the seminal co-op heist shooter to its former glory. With expanded RPG elements and huge variety of creative jobs, this entry offers the most rewarding package yet for would-be professional thieves. Gather your crew and prepare for the score of a lifetime.


  • Deep strategic planning for unique heists
  • Great weapon handling and crunch gunplay
  • RPG growth and customization enhance replayability


  • Occasional lag and disconnects during co-op
  • Story and characters fail to innovate much

Snapshots and Media

PC Screenshots

See Also

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