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a game by VisualArts/Key
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Anime Games, Visual Novel, Manga Games, Best Casual Games

An improved version of an already amazing visual novel, Rewrite+ expands upon Kotarou Tennouji supernatural adventures with additional content and several quality of life revisions. At its core, the magical story of Kotarou and his classmates remains intact, complete with all of the charm of the original game.

Players who are familiar with the basics of Japanese visual novels might find a rich world to discover in Rewrite+. Just keep in mind that these games tend to lean heavily on the “novel” part of their name, with extensive segments that are told exclusively through text, leaving some events up to the player’s imagination.

This isn’t necessarily a negative comment about Rewrite+’s narrative prowess, however. Other games in this genre, like Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward, have proved that visual novels can be just as great as any classic RPG.

Continuing the Legacy

The original Rewrite was one of Japan’s best-selling visual novels ever. When we think of this genre as westerners, we might immediately think of games like Danganronpa or the Ace Attorney series, but this game is a bit more personal than those examples.

Granted, there’s a grand mystical adventure at the core of the plot, but it’s the human element that really takes the cake here.

You play as Kotarou Tennouji, who is your run-of-the-mill high school anime protagonist with superhuman abilities. Kotarou enlists the help of five female friends of his to solve a series of paranormal happenings that are taking place all over the city of Kazamatsuri. The result is an epic confrontation between the forces of good and evil, with high school drama being at the center of it all.

Romance and Drama

If you hope to uncover the secrets of Kazamatsuri and save the city and everyone you love, you’ll have to keep a good relationship with your female classmates. This works similarly to Persona 5’s social links, with the exception that Kotarou can use the Rewrite ability if he messes up.

At the bottom left corner of the screen lies a gear that represents the current level of “Rewrite” in the scene. This metric affects the outcome of many of the game’s plotlines, so keep a close eye on it on multiple playthroughs to see how much you can tamper with the game’s story.

The presentation is clean and clear, complete with the usual Quick Save and Quick Load functions we are used to seeing in every Japanese visual novel so far. The art style takes some time to get used to, to be frank.

For starters, backgrounds look great: the lush greens of Kazamatsuri look great, and the efficiency of the game’s color palette at different parts of the game’s plot cannot be understated.

However, the characters look a bit too flat at times. Only die-hard anime fans might be able to tolerate some of the more egregiously old-school anime designs most of the girls have, too. There’s a certain threshold when it comes to the size of the eyes of an anime girl, and Rewrite+ undoubtedly goes a bit too far beyond that frontier.


Rewrite+ builds upon its predecessor strengths to deliver one of the very best romance visual novels we have ever seen. It might stick too much to its genre conventions, but it does so with enough grace to stand out amongst other games like it.


  • Charming characters that feel organic and mix well with the story
  • Great background art and spectacular atmosphere
  • Some much-needed quality of life improvements over the original game


  • The art style can be very hit-or-miss
  • Some scenes push the innuendos a bit too far

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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