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a game by Sven
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Simulator Games, Action Adventure Games, Horror Games, Puzzle Games, Early Access Games, Survival Games, VR Games, 3D Games

Step into the endless maze of Subliminal, a first-person psychological horror game that will leave you questioning reality. Developed by a dedicated solo developer, Subliminal pulls you into a series of procedurally generated liminal spaces, each connected through mind-bending puzzles based on perspective and lighting.

The premise is simple yet captivating. You wake up in a dimly lit room with no memory of how you got there. The only choice is to move forward, exploring the labyrinthine halls ahead.

What starts as mundane office spaces and abandoned public areas slowly shifts into something more sinister. The familiar becomes unfamiliar as the laws of physics cease to apply. It's clear there's some malevolent force at work here, but can you unravel the mystery and escape before it's too late?

Facing the Unknown

Subliminal wastes no time in establishing an atmosphere of uncertainty and dread. From the very first room, something feels off. The realistic lighting effects create disorientation and a pervasive sense of unease. Distorted sounds echo in the distance. Shadows dance at the edge of your vision. It's the ultimate haunted house, immersing you in the psychological horror storyline.

Unlike typical horror titles, jump scares are used sparingly. Instead, Subliminal messes with your head in more subtle ways. Visual tricks and parallax effects make you doubt what's real. Strange messages appear on walls, enticing you to question your sanity. And the setting itself morphs the more you explore, revealing impossible spaces that violate the laws of physics. This slow-burning psychological torment is far creepier than any monster lurking in the dark.

Twisting Your Perspective

True to its name, perspective is at the core of Subliminal's gameplay. Most puzzles involve manipulating your point of view to alter the environment and create a path forward. By adjusting your position, impossible structures will suddenly gain logical form, walls will become doors, and you'll uncover the way through the netherworld.

It's reminiscent of acclaimed titles like Portal, using perspective shifts to drive the puzzles. But Subliminal adds its own twist. The positioning of light sources is equally important to solve the multi-layered conundrums. Moving light and shadow reveal hidden messages and openings in the convoluted rooms. It's challenging yet intuitive once you get into the right headspace.

Haunting Visuals

On a visual level, Subliminal delivers stunning and photorealistic graphics. Powered by a proprietary ray tracing engine, the lighting is second to none. Light falls realistically across the haunted environments, creating an unprecedented level of immersion. Reflections and shadows behave exactly as they should in real life, selling the believability of the surreal surroundings.

Complementing the technical brilliance is the art direction. The ominous liminal spaces channel the eerie vibe of the Backrooms meme. Flickering fluorescent lights, endless hallways, analog technology – it's the uncanny aesthetic dialed up to 11. Even mundane rooms like offices and restaurants take on an unnatural creepiness. If you enjoyed Poppy Playtime's approach to urban horror, Subliminal is the game for you.


Subliminal delivers an unsettling, cerebral horror experience with customizable procedurally generated levels that provide endless hours of haunting gameplay.


  • Photorealistic ray-traced graphics
  • Unnerving psychological horror atmosphere
  • Creative puzzles

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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