Sword Art Online: Lost Song

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a game by Artdink
Platforms: PC (2015), Playstation 3
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Lewd Games, Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Manga Games, RPGs, Sword Art Games
Sword Art Online: Lost Song
Sword Art Online: Lost Song
Sword Art Online: Lost Song
Sword Art Online: Lost Song

Sword Art Online: Lost Song is yet another game in the [Sword Art series] (/games/sword-art-games/). This is a series that you are either into or it just does nothing for you at all. I think that what they have done here with this game is not bad at all. It is not great by any means; however, it is a competent action RPG and one that has a lot of fun elements to it. As well as being available for PC, it was also released on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita.

We All Live In An Online World

The biggest issue that I have with Sword Art Online: Lost Song is the story. The main character in the game is Kirito and he is in a new game called, Alfheim Online. This is a fantasy world with fairies and all manner of other interesting creatures. Kirito and his buddies decide that they want to beat the game first… that is it!

There is a little bit of a mystery here, but the villains in the game are not exactly taking over the world bad guys and the main characters really do not have any reason to be getting involved! It just feels like there are no steaks in the story at all.

Over And Over Again

I know that some people have said that Sword Art Online: Lost Song is a repetitive game, but I do not think that is a bad thing. The game is mostly all about the combat and as this is an action RPG, you have a lot of direct control over your character. You can also fly in this game which was a huge selling point. The flying is really well done, even if at the start of the game you cannot fly all that high.

You will be seeing the same enemies over and over again and I get that can be annoying. However, I do feel that the fast-paced and fun combat that the game has does more than makeup for this.

Do You Wanna Be In My Gang?

At any time, you can have three people in your party. There are around 15 characters that can be in your party in Sword Art Online: Lost Song. I think that having just a small number of characters to focus on and specializing in using a certain loadout when it comes to your equipment is the way to go. Leveling up is a very time-consuming process, so I found it to be much more enjoyable and easier to keep focused on a few characters. Getting your compadres to help during battles is not just useful, it is also fun.

There is a multiplayer element here too where you can play online with a couple of buddies. Full disclosure here, I have not played the game with anyone else, but from what I have heard, it works very well.

We All Live In A Fantasy World

The presentation of the game is great. I really enjoyed the cut scenes and while the story may not have been all that great. At least the cut scenes are done with a lot of style and personality.

The in-game visuals are also really well done, being able to fly up high and seeing the world below you is a really cool effect. The game is supported with some fun voice acting which had the story been better I am sure I would have liked even more!


When you look around online, Sword Art Online: Lost Song is a game that does have a bit of a mixed reception. I can see why some people may find the gameplay a bit on the repetitive side, but I for one think it is fun. Fast-paced combat, along with being able to fly is something I had a lot of fun with. The issue that I see is the story being so weak I am not sure if people will be willing to stick with the game long enough to see it all the way through.


  • I thought the gameplay was fast-paced
  • You have 15 characters to use in your party
  • The flying in the game feels great
  • It looks great!
  • I am sure being able to play with friends would be a lot of fun


  • The story is very, very boring
  • The gameplay may get a bit repetitive for some

Download Sword Art Online: Lost Song


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Playstation 3

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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