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a game by Infini-Brain Inc.
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Anime Games, RPGs, Co-op Games, PvP Games, JRPG Games, Sci-Fi RPG, Turn Based RPG, Taimanin Asagi Series

There are actually two versions of TAIMANIN RPG Extasy that you can play. One is a pretty standard free to play turn based RPG, the other is the same, but it has mature content. Well, I did not know this until several hours later, but I ended up playing the version without the mature content. The terms free to play and turn based RPG I am sure have already scared a few of you off, but keep on reading and you will see what I thought of this game and if I think it is worth your time checking out.

Straight From The Academy

Plot wise, TAIMANIN RPG Extasy was something that I found rather hard to follow as the translation was not the best. In this world, there is a race of beings known as Taimanin-Humans and our protagonist is a young man who is at an academy. A big evil shows up, attacks, causes major damage and we find ourselves in charge of this group of hot anime looking babes that are tasked with finding and stopping this big evil. To be honest, the premise is fun and decent, but the story was all over the freaking place and hard for me to follow.

What She Got Under That Blouse?

Now, as I said, I played the censored version of the game, the reason for this was that TAIMANIN RPG Extasy is on Steam and I played that version, had I read the Steam reviews, I would have realized it was all censored! To be fair, this is a fantastic looking game! I love the way that we have these cute anime characters, but we then have these stunning character portraits that show them off really well. I did check out a little bit of the mature content that the game has and it is pretty great. For me personally, the art is the best thing that this game has going for it and I can see why those who are into this, are so into it!

Taking Turns On Your Way To Victory!

As far as the gameplay of TAIMANIN RPG Extasy goes, it is pretty much just a string of endless turn based battles. The turn based RPG combat here is pretty solid and easy to get into. I am sure that as this is a free to play game, you would eventually hit a wall, but in the short while I was playing the game, I found it to be quite engaging and fun. For those that just want to gawk at the anime babes, there is an auto battle mode where you can just set up your party and then let the game play by itself. To be honest, the “gameplay” here was good and I could have seen myself getting into it, but there is an issue.

The Rise Of A Big Evil

I always go into a free to play RPG with tepid expectations and I hate to say it, but TAIMANIN RPG Extasy has everything I hate about free to play games. To start with, it is 100 percent pay to win as you progress through the game, you will get to a point where you simply have to wait an age to grind or spend real money. We also have multiple battle passes to contend with to get items, XP, add to your units, and so on. When you look at the game outside of the combat, it is a freaking mess with all the stuff you can upgrade or spend money on.


I have to say that TAIMANIN RPG Extasy is not for me, even though the lewd content I saw online looked great, the free to play shenanigans that this game has going on turned me off so bad, I have no intention of going back to play this game ever again! I will say that if you are ok with this kind of thing as this is the way games are these days, you may be able to look past it and enjoy it.


  • I liked the anime babes
  • The combat was actually quite fun
  • If you can look past the free to play stuff, you will probably enjoy this
  • There is a lewd version of the game


  • The free to play stuff is brutal and very obnoxious
  • The version on Steam is censored

Download TAIMANIN RPG Extasy


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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