Virtua Fighter 2

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a game by Sega
Genres: Fighting Games, Multiplayer/Hotseat
Platforms: Sega GenesisGenesis, Saturn
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 4 reviews
User Rating: 7.7/10 - 13 votes
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See also: Fighting Games, Virtua Fighter Games
Virtua Fighter 2
Virtua Fighter 2
Virtua Fighter 2

I thought the first game was “interesting” but Virtua Fighter 2 here was the real deal. This is a game I played all the time at my buddies’ house and it is easily in my top three Sega Saturn games of all time list. If Sega could have done more of this on their Saturn it might have had more success! This is a very fun, but also a very skilled based fighting game that manages to capture the look and feel of the arcade version pretty much perfectly.

There Can Only Be One

Back when this was released it was not common for fighting games to have as deep lore as they do now. The basic story of Virtua Fighter 2 is that there is a fighting tournament and 10 of the world's best fighters want to be crowned the king. It is a bit week in comparison to stuff like Mortal Kombat and Tekken, but I have always enjoyed a good fighting tournament. All eight of the characters from the first game return, but there are two new ones as well. We have Lion who became a firm favorite of mine and also Shun who sure as hell did not!

This Is Power

One of the most notable things about the game is the visuals. These are some of the best graphics on the Sega Saturn. My only complaint is the weird way that the hands look. Apart from this, the game looks great. Each character has a unique look, they are animated very well and they look more like real people than they did in the first game. As well as the characters having far more detail so do the stages. There is no comparison between the stages here and the ones in the first game. Sega did a fantastic job here and they really do showcase how powerful the Saturn really was. Not only does the game look great, but it also moves at a smooth 60fps as well. The soundtrack is perfect and sounds very similar to how it did in the arcade.

Take On Your Master

I have always found Virtua Fighter 2 to be a more skill-based fighting game than the likes of Tekken. That is not a criticism of Tekken by the way, but this series always asks more of the player. Yes, you can have fun, button mashing your way. However, the real “fun” of this game is taking the time to learn the characters. Learning their moves, combos, and so on. The controls are so smooth with no lag at all. The Saturn pad is made for a game like this and it is the kind of game you just get better and better at the more you play.

There are so many moves for each character that mastering one will take some serious dedication and that is an aspect of the game I really like. It makes playing against another player of a similar skill level to you a truly exciting experience.

While the more modern games in the series are way more stacked with game modes. I will always have a soft spot for Virtua Fighter 2 on the Sega Saturn. As a matter of fact, anyone purchasing a Sega Saturn has to have this game in their collection! It is a wonderful fighting game that manages to be fun, but also very in-depth too. I would go as far as to say skip the first game and Virtua Fighter Remix as well and just get straight into this. A true gem for the Sega Saturn and a damn fine fighting game that holds up very well to this day.


Final Score


  • Each character feels unique and requires dedication to master
  • The game looks fantastic
  • I liked that it was so close to the arcade game
  • It is a blast to play with other people
  • The game runs at 60fps


  • I do wish they could have added a couple more newer characters
  • The hands of the characters kind of freak me out!

Download Virtua Fighter 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Game modes: Single game mode

Player controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
  • Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
  • "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
  • "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
  • "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)

Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

If Sega ever needed an ace, now's the time. Fortunately, it has AM2 doing some of its development, churning out such classics as Sega Rally, Daytona and, of course, Virtua Fighter I and 2. It is VF2, however, which might turn out to be the ace the company's looking for.

After the overwhelming popularity of VFI. it was no surprise to see the sequel hit the arcades shortly thereafter. With sweeter, more detailed fighters and a plethora of new moves, VFI -heads were given another main course in brawling mayhem.The big question on everyone's mind was whether or not the integrity of the game would remain intact during the conversion to the Saturn.We all witnessed the horror story that was Daytona. After such a rush job on that title, it was imperative that the developers really take the necessary time to do VF2 justice.

Apparently, a little time was all that the developers needed. VF2 for the Saturn is a remarkable fighting game that's sure to draw hordes of alienated Sega supporters back into the fold.

The shortcomings of the Saturn version are few. The polygon count is lower and the backgrounds are no longer 3-D. But, the good news is that the frame rate has maintained its level, and the playability has been tarnished not a bit. Also, you can choose to play VF2.0 or VF2.1 in the game, the latter having fixed a few minute bugs that were evident in the original VF2.

Additions to the game are a team bout and a watery Dural level. During team bout, you can choose five fighters with which to compete. When one is defeated, another will enter the ring. Beat your opponent's five pugilists, and win the tourney. Underwater Dural is really cool because all of the action is slowed to simulate an undersea fight. Watch in slow-mo as Dural does a flying knee-drop into your groin. Ouch!

Yes, baseball lovers -- the strike is over! And here comes EA Sports with its latest entry, Triple Play Baseball '96. With strong new options, America's favorite pastime makes it safe by a mile.

Home-Run Options

With an MLBPA license, it's no surprise that TPB '96 has more options than a player's contract. The most interesting is the General Manager feature, where you trade, create, sign, and release players. You can access this option in the middle of a game, giving you more control than you get from just picking a team and playing.

You can also change views. For example, instead of a close-up shot from the plate, you can switch to a long-shot view for more fluid gameplay.

ProTip: When the ball is hit, press Button A or C without touching the directional pad. You'll throw the ball to the base with the closest runner.

The stats include all the 1994 players for all 28 teams, and you can play up to a 162-game schedule. If you tire of the venues of your favorite team, you can even choose to play on neutral ground -- like Toronto vs. Pittsburgh at Wrigley Field!

To discover the various teams' strengths and weaknesses, pit two computer-controlled teams against each other in Exhibition Mode.

A Few Errors

The only problem is visual: The ball's image tends to become jerky and choppy when it travels great distances. This often makes it difficult to see exactly where the ball is going. The small windows that cover all the angles are a blessing, though, and the subtle graphic touches such as the pitcher spitting chewing tobacco, and the players dusting themselves off after they slide add refinement.

In terms of control, TPB '96 requires patience and a good memory. Two buttons and certain movements on the directional pad are usually required for batting and fielding. While the button presses will eventually become second nature to veteran players, rookies who expect to master these complex controls right off the bat may get frustrated.

If you change a player's name with the General Manager option, the player's attributes will also be changed.

A Grand Slam

The music, consisting of the usual crowd-rousing tunes by a robust organ, is good as ever, and the sound effects, such as the crowd cheering, are atmospheric and especially well done.

It's great to have baseball back again, and Triple Play Baseball '96 makes it all the more welcome. With more Major League action like this, you might start thinking the strike never even happened at all.

Virtua Fighter 2 was one game I myself enjoyed playing when I owned a Sega Genesis.Now I have it downloaded.Play as 8 fighters(actually 9,the last one is hidden.)It is in my opinion one game you won't regret downloading,the controls are pretty complicated,but the game is fun,and a must download.

Snapshots and Media

Saturn Screenshots

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Screenshots

See Also

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