Max's Life

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a game by Kuggazer
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.3/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, f95 Trending, BDSM Games, Futa Games
Max's Life
Max's Life
Max's Life

I was very impressed with Max's Life. This is a game that is available in parts and I actually think that the gameplay gets better and better as the series progresses if I am being honest with you. The game is very well made and what actually drew me to this was that it is made with one great lewd simulator style graphics and that right there gets my seal of approval. As far as lewd sandbox style games go, this is one of the better ones as it avoids many of the pitfalls that these types of games tend to end up having.

Mighty Max

The story of Max's Life is one that is not trying to do anything amazing, but the writing is solid enough and the characters are interesting so I found myself quite engaged with the various relationships that the main character would have with all of these women. There is some incest here, but there is far more to the game than just that. The main character is called Max, but you can change his name if you want.

Hey “Honey” I “Select” You!

This is a fantastic looking game, as someone who loves the Honey Select series using this kind of style for Max's Life was something that greatly appealed to me. There are a ton and I mean a ton of characters that you will encounter by the time you get to the last chapter and they all have sex scenes as well. Speaking of the sex scenes, this game has some great sex scenes that are fully animated and they look great. I will say that I could have done without the pee one in the bathroom, but hey we all like different things. I liked how the story moved quickly and would get to the next sex scene without a lot of hassle.

The Only Grinding Here Is On Your Lap!

I was going to say face instead of lap, but I thought that was going way too far! Anyway, the gameplay on offer here in Max's Life is very well done. It is your typical sandbox lewd game where you click around different areas and then interact with characters and work on various things to move the story and relationship along so you can eventually bang them. I know that does not sound like anything new, but the way it is executed is done very well.

There is very little grinding for stats or money in this game, many other lewd sandbox games are so grindy that it ruins the fun. That is not the case here, by the time you get to the last chapter, things are streamlined and done even better!


Ok, so will admit to you guys that I went into Max's Life mainly because I loved the honey select style of visuals. However, I could not have been more pleasantly surprised when it came to the gameplay. I hope that more lewd game makers check this game out and realize that you do not need to have these convoluted grind fest games to make them good! If you want a lewd sandbox game that has tons of awesome sex in it, but is also a fun game to play, you have to spend some time with this game.


  • The visuals in this game are fantastic
  • There are many interesting characters to interact with
  • The sex scenes are great and cover most fetishes
  • The gameplay on offer here is very well done and not grindy at all!


  • The gameplay does get better as it goes on, so stick with that first chapter
  • I wish more sandbox games operated like this

Download Max's Life


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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