Age of Reforging: The Freelands

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a game by PersonaeGame Studio
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Sandbox Games, Strategy Games, Open World Games, Best RTS Games, Games Where Choices Matter, Tactical RPG, Magic Games, Dungeon Crawlers
Age of Reforging: The Freelands
Age of Reforging: The Freelands
Age of Reforging: The Freelands
Age of Reforging: The Freelands

I will admit that at first glance, Age of Reforging: The Freelands did nothing to really wow me. However, I ended up checking out the trailer, which led to me downloading the demo which then ultimately had me getting in on the game's early access release. This is a fantasy RPG with some tactics style stuff sprinkled over it for good measure. I thought the fantasy setting looked neat and I ended up getting pretty invested in what I have played so far.

The Freelands

While Age of Reforging: The Freelands is another RPG set in a fantasy land, I think that there is something extra interesting about the lore of the setting. The Freelands is an area where people will travel from far to in order to be “free”. Some will come here in search of adventure and riches and find that. However, this place is not all that it seems and some end up being used as slaves, as gladiators in the arena, or just flat out end up dead!

The Chosen One!

Yet, all is not lost you see there is hope for those that are even slaves in the Age of Reforging: The Freelands. The Goddess of Fate will choose you to rise up and lead an army to take on the way things are in the Freelands so that you can change them in your own image! The game has you creating a character and this is very in depth, I am more of a slashing stuff with a sword kind of guy so that is what I went for, but there is a lot of choice at your fingertips here for how you want your character to look and play.

The Land of the Free or the Greed?

The gameplay of Age of Reforging: The Freelands is very much that of your typical fantasy RPG style game. We will explore, taking on an array of quests as we do, but we will start to build up a party and we can dish out commands to our troops to help us in the epic battles. More than the combat, it is the choice based gameplay that I find the most interesting here. You can shape the Freelands how you want. You can decide to be a noble hero and get rid of the evil and make this a place of good. Or, you can just be in it for yourself and try to get as much riches and power as you can, no matter what the cost is! I like this kind of thing and it allows us to play the game the way that we want to.

That Sense Of Familiarity

Remember at the start of this Age of Reforging: The Freelands article how I said that when I first saw the game, it did now wow me? Well, the reason for that was that the game had a very typical Diablo, kind of top down, medieval/fantasy look to it that I feel like I have seen a million times before. The game looks fine, the Freelands is an interesting place and as I said before, we have a lot of options when it comes to customizing our characters. However, the game does nothing to really make you take notice in the visual department. What is here is designed very well, but it feels like the kind of thing you have seen many times before.


I ended up getting way more into the demo of Age of Reforging: The Freelands that I thought I would and I can see this being a game that I end up spending a lot of time with over the summer. I know that in the looks department, it may not look like something new and exciting. However, I think that they have something pretty neat with the story here, and the way that you can decide if you want to be a hero or just a selfish adventurer is exciting and what I think will hook a lot of people.


  • The setting of the game is great
  • I like the lore that this game has, it makes for an interesting story We can make some very crucial decisions in the game that can shape things going forward
  • I liked the combat, it was fun taking a direct approach and also assigning my guys to do stuff as well


  • The game looks fine, it actually looks good, but it has a very “seen it all before” style to it
  • This game can be addictive, but it does take a little while for it to get its hooks into you

Download Age of Reforging: The Freelands


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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