En Garde!

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a game by Fireplace Games
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Adventure Games, Beat 'em-Up, Hack and Slash Games, Family Friendly Games
En Garde!
En Garde!
En Garde!
En Garde!

Prepare to immerse yourself in a world of swashbuckling adventure like never before with En Garde! For those of us tired of Souls-like games that only rehash what From Software's classic did before, En Garde! feels like a breath of fresh air thanks to its innovative combat mechanics and its unparalleled sense of style.

Though it can sometimes feel too "experimental," En Garde! is the kind of game that rewards improvisation and creativity. While other games in this genre are content with just doing what Dark Souls did all over again, this title feels like the true successor to that game's legendary gameplay formula.

Swashbuckling Shenanigans

En Garde's main lure is the game's unique approach to combat and exploration. While most games in this genre feature the same combinations of light, strong, and combo attacks with some dodges here and there for good measure, En Garde! is all about keeping the player on their toes.

Combat feels fast-paced and fluid, with a variety of contextual actions the player can achieve that really make you feel like you're in a swashbuckling flick. Not even Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice felt so unique and fluid with its dynamic combat, and that's saying something.

A Wonderful Getaway

Another draw that this game has going for it is its ambiance and level design. Everything seems designed to evoke a feeling of high-seas adventure – even if you rarely embark on a vessel yourself. Set in a Spanish port town, En Garde! will have players gawking at its gorgeous vistas for hours – or until they can no longer bear the sight of the color orange.

If you are a fan of this type of design, that's great – however, if you were expecting something more in line with Bloodborne's aesthetics, then you'll be sorely disappointed by this game's cheery visuals and bright locales.

Adapt and Overcome

Improvisation is the name of the game in En Garde! – and that has its fair share of pros and cons. On the one hand, pulling off intricate combos can look amazingly pleasing; however, sometimes, the combat can feel a bit janky and too reliant on physics, which can, in turn, make the game feel a bit unpolished in some areas.

All that said, the rest of the package is as top-notch as it gets. Enemy variety is good (if a bit underwhelming,) and there are plenty of combos to see and abilities to unlock to keep players invested for a while – with emphasis on the "while" part. As good as the game is, En Garde! is surprisingly short.

While that might be a detriment for most games, the reduced length works in the game's favor by encouraging multiple playthroughs and diverse playstyles.


En Garde! is an incredibly fun take on the souls-like genre that will keep players invested with its addictive combat and creative gameplay – as long as they don't mind the short length.


  • Unique gameplay rewards improvisation and creativity
  • Great visual gags and lots of genuinely funny banter
  • Good visual design and polished animations


  • Some of the designs and lack of enemy variety can get tiring after a while
  • Can feel way too short for some players

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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