Fallen Shinobi

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a game by marron marron
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Corruption Porn Games
Fallen Shinobi
Fallen Shinobi
Fallen Shinobi
Fallen Shinobi

With A feudal Japan kind of setting Fallen Shinobi is a really cool sex simulator game and one of the top lewd games of 2023. I am very impressed with this and while I thought that it looked cool l, I will admit that it had way more substance in its gameplay than I thought it would. After checking the game out for a while, I wanted to share my thoughts on it with you.

Capturing A Real Treasure!

I love the ancient Japanese setting of Fallen Shinobi. Ayame is the most powerful and badass Shinobi in all of Japan and we have somehow managed to capture her! Our master has a great idea and that is to basically break her and then build her back up to what we want her to be. He has given us this most awesome task! It is a fun story and one that is made even more fun if you get a kick out of anime and stories that have an ancient Japanese setting.

More Than That

Ok, so that was a somewhat obscure Backstreet Boys reference and I cannot decide if that is cool or not! Fallen Shinobi is mainly about the corruption and training of Ayame. However, the game also has a handful of other ladies that we can "experience". The way it does this is really cool, Ayame is the main focus, but we do have time off from work in this game and that is when we can play with and get to know these other characters better. I cannot think of another lewd game that has such a clever way of letting you have more ladies in it without it impacting the main story in a negative or nonsensical way.

The Three Ways Of Training!

Fallen Shinobi is a very interesting game when it comes to the gameplay. On one hand, it is very simple as you just point and then click on what you want to do. However, the choices you make can alter the ending you get and there are many different endings. There are three methods of training. You can have her be the one to pleasure you. You can straight up violate her and try to break her and you can even go a step further and disgrace her. It makes for an interesting approach to a sex simulator and it gives the game a lot of replay value. I know for sure that I want to see all the ways that this can come to a close!

“Dynamic Lewdness”

Hey, I wish I could take the credit for that, but dynamic lewdness is how the developer describes the art in Fallen Shinobi. What this means is that Ayame's reactions to you will change depending on what you are doing to her! She may be all about it and express extreme pleasure, or she could be sad and clearly not look into what you are trying to do to her! This is so cool and something I cannot think of another lewd game doing. Apart from this, the whole game looks fantastic. Its amazing anime visuals, smooth animation, and graphic XXX scenes make it one of the best looking and most eye catching games of the year.


Fallen Shinobi was a game that I was sure I was going to like before I played it. However, it ended up being one of the most amazing lewd games of the year for me. It may look like a standard anime style sex simulator on the surface. Yet, this has a level of depth to it that most others can only dream of. This is a game that is so easy for me to recommend to you, I just do not see there being any way that someone who is into sex simulators and lewd games, in general, is not going to love this.


  • Ayame is a hot main character
  • The story can go in many different directions
  • There are other hot girls to play around with
  • This is a sex simulator with some real depth to it


  • Some of the moans and groans are a tad on the loud side
  • I find some of the more “forced” sex stuff uncomfortable

Download Fallen Shinobi


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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