Front Mission 4

Download Front Mission 4 and engage in gripping, tactical battles with powerful mechs! Customize your machines, devise strategic plans, and uncover a thrilling story in this intense strategy RPG. Are you ready for battle? Play now!
a game by Square Enix
Platform: Playstation 2 (2003)
Editor Rating: 6.8/10, based on 2 reviews
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 6 votes
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See also: Strategy Games, RPGs, Front Mission Series
Front Mission 4
Front Mission 4
Front Mission 4

If you’ve ever been interested in tactical gameplay, Front Mission 4 is probably up your alley. This title is one where strategic planning and actions are the key to success. Given the nature of its gameplay, you’ll quickly find yourself ripe with creative ideas for dealing with the scenarios you’ll be presented with. Be warned though, this game isn’t for the weak of heart. Instead, Front Mission 4 is one of the most difficult titles released in the original Xbox and Playstation 2 era.


Like other Front Mission titles, Front mission 4 follows an army unit as they engage in combat against an enemy at war. Here, things are a bit more interesting to observe.

The plot follows the lives of two soldiers representing the United States of the New Continent (USN). Durandal recruit Elsa Eliane and Sergeant Darril Traubel. Set in 2096, you’ll be fighting between Venezuela and Europe. A devious global conspiracy brews as both characters follow their own separate arcs until they meet and things come full circle as the plot develops further.


Front Mission 4 involves the use of wanzers to engage in combat. Each wanzer has its own specific set of weaponry such as melee weapons, ranged weapons and even precise executioners like bazookas and RPGs. These are all available to cause the largest amount of damage during your turn before an enemy retaliates. In terms of strategy, as a player, you can choose to either be aggressive or more defensive to avoid getting destroyed in enemy turns.

A wanzer comprises of four parts: the torso, right arm, left arm and the legs. Yes, it is really similar to a Power Rangers Megazord. A wanzer can be restored during your turns, but you have to be wary of its body getting destroyed. Once that happens, it’s basically game over as it will need to be repaired. Keep in mind that repairs take quite a while to be completed.

Wanzers are incredibly fun to customize, but the actual gameplay experience with them can often be tedious. Moreso when you’re preoccupied with managing resources and attack points. Controlling a wanzer often feels like things take time to be set in motion. Even worse, this isn’t in the fun and interesting way. Instead, its incredibly monotonous and worsens the pacing of the game.

Games like X-Com are a bit more interesting to play thanks to the much more streamlined mechanics. However, Front Mission 4 feels like it was trying to be too many things at once. Another similar comparison worth highlighting is Gears Tactics which has military elements in a similar fashion to this. However, Gears Tactics seems to have a more general sense of direction.

A plus worth mentioning in Front Mission 4 is the soundtrack. Recorded with South American inspired melodies, it’s a pleasing experience to appreciate the ambience and intense cinematics.


Front Mission 4 offers an ambitious strategy experience, but it all fails to come together due to a general lack of direction from the developers.


  • Fun customization
  • Great soundtrack
  • Detailed gameplay


  • Tedious elements
  • Lack of a proper direction

Download Front Mission 4

Playstation 2

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Most gamers dont associate stomping around in giant robots with classic roleplaying, but this blend of Final Fantasy Tactics-style combat with realistic, near-future war machinery somehow makes it work. The story line stirs a savory soup of political chaos and international intrigue, but the tense, turn-based mecha-on-mecha action provides the true draw.

Snapshots and Media

Playstation 2 Screenshots