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a game by Felix Filip
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Games, First Person Shooter Games, Sandbox Games, PvP Games, Gore Games, Voxel Games

Video games have always dabbled in chaos, but none quite like GoreBox. Imagine a wild sandbox where you can let loose your inner wrecking ball. Developed by the brilliant mind of Felix Filip, this game invites you to a virtual world where destruction knows no bounds.

Expansive Playground: Picture a vast digital canvas where you’re free to wreak havoc. Buildings, vehicles, and everything in between—no object is safe! Destructive Impulses Unleashed: Ever wanted to obliterate a skyscraper with a giant rubber duck? Now’s your chance! GoreBox lets you channel your wildest destructive fantasies.

An Introduction to Unbridled Anarchy

At its core, GoreBox is all about pushing the boundaries of interactivity. Players are dropped into an open environment with access to a dizzying array of weapons, explosives, and - most notably - the "Reality Crusher." This powerful tool allows you to quite literally shape the world around you, spawning any object or entity your heart desires before inevitably reducing it to a gory pulp.

The fun doesn't stop there, however. GoreBox features a shared damage system that applies equally to the player and the game's active ragdoll physics objects. One careless swing of a sledgehammer can abruptly end your reign of terror - or serve as a brutal reminder of the importance of protective gear like armor, masks, and hats (all of which are customizable, naturally).

Peering Into the Abyss of GoreBox

While random acts of virtual violence can certainly scratch a particular itch, GoreBox provides ample opportunities for more calculated and creative chaos. The game's map editor allows players to construct elaborate scenarios from the ground up, decorating custom environments with a library of textures and objects before populating them with spawned characters, vehicles, and any other instruments of destruction they can imagine.

These personalized playgrounds can then be shared GoreBox's online, allowing the community to explore, engage in improvised roleplay via chat commands, and ultimately dismantle the creations of fellow players. It's a level of freedom and creative expression seldom seen in games that revel in violence.

For all its focus on over-the-top action and unrestrained devastation, GoreBox manages to cultivate a subtly unsettling and horror-tinged atmosphere. The game's crude graphical style and haunting ambient audio create an unmistakable sense of dread and unease - one that's only amplified by the sheer visceral impact of each bloody encounter.

In that sense, GoreBox shares surprising spiritual ties with titles like the Postal series and the notorious Manhunt games from Rockstar. Where those controversially violent releases used scripted scenarios to disturb players, however, GoreBox's freely interactive environments enable even more personalized shocks and psychological impacts.

Review: 8/10

GoreBox is sure to polarize audiences. For some, its unflinching depiction of bloody chaos will represent a new apex of bad taste and gratuitous violence in games. For others, it will be a masterpiece of interactivity - eschewing traditional gameplay loops in favor of user-generated anarchy on an unprecedented scale.


Love it or hate it, GoreBox's uncompromising sandbox gameplay carves out a controversial niche in the gaming landscape.


  • Incredibly open-ended gameplay with near limitless creative potential
  • Unique "Reality Crusher" and map editing tools enable custom experiences
  • Striking horror atmosphere despite crude visuals
  • Cross-platform support allows anarchy on any device


  • General lack of guided objectives or structured game modes
  • Potential for immature players to create obnoxious or offensive content
  • Extremely visceral violence may be too much for some players

Download GoreBox


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

GoreBox is a brutal sandbox where only you decide what will happen in the next second. Create your own locations and deploy loyal puppets who will do your bidding and endure any pain. Cooperative spaces will add collective madness to your world. Develop your imagination with the huge level editor. Conduct trials and fight in improvisation with other players.

Pros of the game:

  • Large level editor and modes
  • Ability to play with other players
  • Simple and intuitive interface

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See Also

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