Otherworld Legends

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a game by ChillyRoom
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: RPGs, Co-op Games, Multiplayer Games, Hack and Slash Games, Best Roguelike Games, Metroidvania Games
Otherworld Legends
Otherworld Legends
Otherworld Legends
Otherworld Legends

Otherworld Legends has been available on mobile devices for a while, but the game has now made its way to PC and I thought I would give it a try and see how it handles on a PC. It is pretty much the exact same game as you can play on a mobile device, for better or worse! If you like what this is offering on your phone, you will like this. However, it has all of the major trappings that you would expect from a game that was built around being a mobile game. Heck, it launched with over 60 bucks’ worth of DLC! If the game was free to play, fair enough, but this is not a free game!

Summoned For Battle

I do like the premise of Otherworld Legends in that warriors from all over the place have been summoned to take part in testing trials to see who is the ultimate warrior, not the ultimate warrior, the wrestler, that would have been awesome. I liked how that was the main plot point, but also discovering the secrets of this strange land and those that summoned you to flesh things out a bit.

The Warriors Three

Otherworld Legends is stacked with characters to play as. You can customize your character in the way that they look and each one has its own build that you can tinker with and get just the way that you want. The default game offers you three heroes that you can play as. I like how each hero has their own way to play so I think they chose well. However, you will either have to pay or do some serious grinding to unlock the other characters, skins and so on that are in this game. There is no melding of accounts here either, so if you have played this on your phone and unlocked a ton of stuff, that does not matter! You have to start from scratch with the PC version.

The Power Of The Keys

Gameplay wise, I really do like what Otherworld Legends is offering. This is a fast-paced and stylish beat-em-up style of game. You are always on the move and combat is something that feels very satisfying. I have played this on my phone and I must admit that while the game is the same, it does play better with your keyboard than it does with the touch controls on your phone. It just feels much more responsive here and that makes it more fun to play. It can be a very challenging game, which is one of the ways the mobile trappings can come into play, but it is nowhere near as bad as free-to-play games can be.


I think that there is a lot to like here with Otherworld Legends, but I do feel that they should have found a way for people to have their already unlocked stuff from the mobile version of the game here. Also, the grind to get stuff and the obnoxious DLC is something that just does not sit well with me. In many ways, it does feel a bit like a game that could have been free to play on PC. Still., as an actual game, it is fun to play and something that I have had fun with, but I am not sure if I will be in it for the long haul.


  • This plays much better than it does on your phone or tablet
  • I like the fast-paced beat-em-up gameplay on offer
  • The visuals are very impressive
  • Each of the three starter characters feels different to play as


  • You have to start from scratch even if you have spent hours and hours on the mobile version
  • Even though it is not a free to play game, it has some free to play trappings

Download Otherworld Legends


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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