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a game by Madmind Studio
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Adventure Games, Horror Games, Story-Rich Games, Survival Games, Gore Games

Prepare to delve into the depths of psychological horror with "Paranoid," a chilling narrative that unfolds the haunting story of Patrick Calman. Living in isolation for years after the mysterious and brutal deaths of his parents and the disappearance of his sister, Patrick receives an unexpected call that shatters the walls of his self-imposed prison. As he grapples with Paranoid Schizophrenia, players must guide Patrick through a series of harrowing decisions that will determine the course of his twisted fate.


This is a first-person action-adventure game that masterfully blends psychological horror with action and survival elements. Dynamic and intense combat, executions by weapons and environment, puzzles, and a delicate balancing act between paranoia and reality contribute to a riveting and immersive gameplay experience. The realistic late '80s setting adds an extra layer of authenticity, transporting players to a world filled with frightening, hostile creatures and unraveling the truth about Patrick's traumatic past. This game shares clear similarities with titles like Resident Evil 7: Biohazard and Outlast.


Paranoid boasts realistic visuals that draw players into a disturbing atmosphere of psychosis and surrealism. The late '80s setting is not only a nod to nostalgia but also serves as a perfect backdrop for the psychological horror that unfolds. Witness brutal scenes of murder, navigate realistic locations, and face terrifying enemies as you unravel the mysteries of Patrick's troubled mind.

The multi-threaded storyline adds depth to the visuals, seamlessly combining psychological horror with action and survival elements. The visual design aims to immerse players in Patrick's twisted reality, blurring the lines between paranoia and the tangible horrors that await.

Paranoid boasts a wealth of immersive features that ensure a captivating gaming experience. Players can choose between two distinct story paths, each offering a unique narrative journey. The gameplay is characterized by dynamic, intense, and brutal combat, featuring executions by weapons and the environment. A diverse array of weapons, encompassing both melee and firearms, equips players to confront the menacing creatures that inhabit Patrick's twisted reality.


Paranoid presents players with the gripping tale of Patrick Calman, a man haunted by a traumatic past and plagued by Paranoid Schizophrenia. The gameplay revolves around the protagonist's choices as he faces a critical decision – stay home without medication and confront his neighbor's dark secret, or venture into the city to reunite with his long-lost sister. The choices made by players will lead to two distinct story paths, each significantly impacting Patrick's fate.


Paranoid delivers a masterful blend of psychological horror, action, and survival, inviting players to navigate the twisted mind of Patrick Calman. With two distinct story paths, intense combat, and a disturbing atmosphere, this game offers an immersive and chilling experience that will leave players questioning reality and the true nature of their fears.


  • Gripping narrative with two compelling story paths
  • Dynamic and intense combat with brutal executions
  • Engaging puzzles that enhance the gameplay experience
  • Realistic visuals capturing the late '80s setting and disturbing atmosphere


  • May not be suitable for players sensitive to psychological horror themes



System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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